Forum > Networking and Web Programming

Apache2 with FastCGI on Windows


I'm needing to set up an Apache2 server with FastCGI on Windows XP or 7 which can execute a FastCGI application created in Lazarus.
Have searched on the internet, I tried several tutorials I found, but
none worked.
Has anyone been able to do this?
Now, thank you any help!

Really? Then I'm sure you haven't searched this forum. Someone already posted this question not so long ago.

Actually this forum has been one of the first that I researched. In fact, there are some posts about it. But these were not of help. Not conclusively resolved the problem. The tips did not work.

But, thanks for the reminder.


Please, post what is different in your configuration from this and what is the error you are getting.
Also, what version of FPC and Lazarus are you using.

BTW, you should have posted your question under "Networking" , not "Third party".

Moved here without redirect because I didnt want the redirect in our front page.


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