Forum > FPSpreadsheet

Problems installing laz_fpspreadsheet_visual

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Although I have all the required packages installed, I cannot compile and install laz_fpspreadsheet_visual. I get 'Identifier not found: TCustomChartSource' in fpspreadsheetchart.pas.

Any ideas?

Not sure, but what do you run: ? (os/laz.ver/fpc.ver? )

I installed the packgage last nite, and it installed perfectly...


Win 7 enterprise, laz 0.9.30, FPC 2.4.2

I installed fpspreadsheet with no problem, but can't compile fpspreadsheet visual. I had it installed on same machine when I was running laz 0.9.28 but can't compile or install since upgrading.

My fpSpreadsheet_visual package is dated 5/1/10. Is that the one you installed jm?


Not sure, I did a SVN export.
From here:

Not knowing what you try to do, I'm a little blind, but anyway, you could try this:
Read the bottom of this page:

Then download the SpreadSheetInterFace V 0.11, and try the example below the link.
(Possible you need FPC 2.5.1, but that I cannot test before I get home)

If you like, I can send you a complete test program. (the one I used to get it working)


I'll try the svn export and see if it is the same package. I need fpspreadsheet to install because I'm trying to work on an app that I wrote when I had the package working. The app is dependent on it.

Thanks for your help so far JM.


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