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Implement new WidgetSet and Events

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Currently i try to implement new WidgetSet. The Basics are quite simple, I already successfully open Form and a Button.

The Events already Catched in 'AppProcessMessages'.
For example a Click on the Button, but what to do with the event (should call the OnClick Event for example)
I have the TControl of the clicked Button (EventTarget), but a call of LCLSendClickedMsg(EventTarget); did not fire the Event.
Of course i could check and fire the Event by myself, but it seems thats not the way the other Widgets does!
Any hints?


Start debugging and single stepping to see what happens in LCLSendClickedMsg

OnClick fires when LCL gets mousedown and mouseup msgs from widgetset.
Look at qt implementation in SlotMouse what msgs should be sent.


--- Quote from: zeljko on May 05, 2011, 01:14:04 pm ---OnClick fires when LCL gets mousedown and mouseup msgs from widgetset.
Look at qt implementation in SlotMouse what msgs should be sent.

--- End quote ---

Thanks, this was the key :D
(debugging is very difficult, the new widgetset is also under a new platform without gdb  %))

Intersting... care to tell what platform ?


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