Forum > Networking and Web Programming
[SOLVED] LNET http client
I have tested the httpclienttest example from lnet svn,
but i can't get the whole source from a webpage.
Example: when i take page, it randomly stops before the end of the webpage.
It should stop at </script>.
I tried with and it seems to work great, i get the source until </html>.
I tried to get different https pages and all i have is:
Response: 302 Found, data...
Any help to make the example program working?
Please specify lNet/Lazarus/FPC version and specific URLs as you put them in the URL bar.
There were issues with this, they are currently fixed in trunk.
LHTTPClient by default send only few headers (I remember that wireshark sniffer show me only "host" and another when - I don't remember which). Maybe try add some other headers like:
lhttpclient.AddExtraHeader('Connection: keep-alive');
lhttpclient.AddExtraHeader('Keep-alive: 300');
lnet from svn revision 2577 (latest one)
Lazarus 0.9.30-0 r FPC 2.4.2 i386-linux-gtk 2
URLS that do work: (any HTTP)
URLS that do not work (any HTTPS)
for HTTPS pages, i have:
TLS handshake successful
Response: 200 OK, data...
here is the function OnInput i changed:
--- Code: Pascal [+][-]window.onload = function(){var x1 = document.getElementById("main_content_section"); if (x1) { var x = document.getElementsByClassName("geshi");for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.maxHeight='none'; x[i].style.height = Math.min(x[i].clientHeight+15,306)+'px'; x[i].style.resize = "vertical";}};} ---function TMainForm.HTTPClientInput(ASocket: TLHTTPClientSocket; ABuffer: pchar; ASize: dword): dword;var oldLength: dword;begin oldLength := Length(HTTPBuffer); setlength(HTTPBuffer,oldLength + ASize); move(ABuffer^,HTTPBuffer[oldLength + 1], ASize); AppendToMemo(MemoHTML, HTTPBuffer); //changed line //MemoHTML.Text := HTTPBuffer; //MemoHTML.SelStart := Length(HTTPBuffer); AppendToMemo(MemoStatus, IntToStr(ASize) + '...'); Result := aSize; // tell the http buffer we read it allend;
So it seems the HTTPBuffer is empty on HTTPS pages. Why?
It was a problem with the contents of some pages not being utf8 compatible. I added a UTF8Encode to the HTTP demo and it works now. Oh and google's page really does miss </html> and other end tags :)
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