Forum > Networking and Web Programming
Hi all !
I have to get a video stream from an IP camera. I can get it by RTSP or RTSP-over-HTTP.
Is there a library available for RTSP ?
Or do you have a link to a documentation or a tutorial on how to implement RTSP or RTSP over HTTP ?
I'm looking over the internet for days :o and i can't find something that helps me.
I tried to do RTSP over HTTP. I know how to send http request with lnet but i do not know how to encapsulate RTSP in these requests.
RTSP is a binary protocol that passes mostly audio and video over the net afaik.
I never saw an HTTP based RTSP, but it would be cool to see it work. :)
I know about this protocol due to my usage of VoIP, and mostly with RTP over UDP and not with a higher level of protocol such as HTTP.
If you will write pure Pascal support for RTSP I hope you'll release it as LGPL or something like that, because I do not know of any Pascal implementation for it at all.
Streaming over HTTP is very impractical.
Standard HTTP data is sent via messages/requests one at a time, chopped up with a lot of potential lag.
Streaming is exactly the opposite of that. You could try to use POST but then your "clients" would have to be the HTTP servers :D
Getting a stream as HTTP request result is IMHO suicidal :D
If you still wish to go the route, make sure to send big chunks in one go so you minimize the HTTP overhead. Send a few MB worth of HTTP data each time, best in same-sized chunks. You could try this with the HTTP server in lNet and some small video and see what you get.
Thank you both for your answers. I now have a good reason to die... :'( lol
In fact, i'm building a software that can (amongs other things) record h264 video from Axis IP cameras and relay these video to multiple clients.
I'm not an expert so i can't build my own RTSP lib. I wanted to do it all in my software but i think i have to plug external software like VLC to mine.
Well VLC does have a streaming input, I don't know anything about it tho, so can't help :(
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