Prerequisites: ld from binutils compiled with x86_64 to i386 cross linking
- Install your 64-bit FPC and Lazarus as usual (i.e. from your repo). You should have FPC sources somewhere. I don't really remember, /usr/share/fpc perhaps, it should (at least) consist of these folders: compiler, ide, rtl, packages
- Now open your terminal and go to that folder
- Type make all CPU_TARGET=i386, if everything went OK, now call make cross_install CPU_TARGET=i386 INSTALL_PREFIX=<fpc base dir, usually /usr>. Make sure it's the directory where your 64-bit FPC exists
- Make ppcross386 symlink in <fpc base dir>/bin directory (you can check with ls -l to ppcx64 to see that it's also a symlink to <fpc base dir>/lib/fpc/<fpc version>/ppcx64
- Open Lazarus, Build LCL for i386, use the configure build Lazarus dialog
- Done
Thanks for the help, it got a bit further.. I am not sure trying to use CodeTyphoon is my best route or not.
The make cross_install CPU_TARGET=i386 INSTALL_PREFIX=<fpc base dir, usually /usr>
would not work for me. i get this
"make: *** No rule to make target 'cross_install'. Stop. "
from the wiki I did do the bash $ su -c "make install CPU_TARGET=i386"
and that worked it seemed... when i loaded codetyphon, it now showed FPC 64bit and 32bit.
i have a ppc386 executable now that runs.
in Lazarus i built the LCL with i386 target... and no errors. and in my test project i put the target to i386. It compiled and ran. But it still seems to build it as a 64bit app.
When i do "file project1." it shows it being a x86-64 .
If CodeTyphoon is not the way to go, i can attempt to clear it all out again.
If go that route, got any tips on how to get these things both installed and compiled properly? I still struggle with linux, plus when i keep finding different instructions for this process, it throws me for a loop