Hello circular. Thanks for replying about normalize option.
Can you add this great things that lazpaint can do in your lazpaint documentation that I discovered while following your tutorials and some by just playing with lazpaint:
1) center of scale and rotation can be changed with right click while using rotation and scale option in layers dialogue.(I used this often
and in past I wished it really much and felt joy when I found it.)
2)Both start point color and end point color of a gradient can be given by clicking the left and right of the gradient preview.
3)layer styles can be updated for a shape which is modified just by re-applying same layer styles.
I tried writing lazpaint documentation but in the way I understood that writing documentation requires a lot of time so I stopped but while doing so I discovered some softwares that will be really useful for making user documentaion like: flameshot(screenshot and annotaion software that is simple) and jarte (like ms-word but simple).So, it was a nice thing for me to invest time for attempting to write lazpaint documentaion.
If I made some content about lazpaint use cases I will surely inform you. Have a great day everybody.