Forum > GTK
Problem with keyboard and multithreading
In my application I create windows in second thread and hide it.
--- Code: --- FWindow := TForm.CreateNew(Application);
FWindow.Position := poScreenCenter;
FWindow.Width := 1;
FWindow.Height := 1;
FWindow.BorderStyle := bsNone;
FWindow.FormStyle := fsStayOnTop;
FWindow.Color := 0;
--- End code ---
As usually thread is sleeping.
Then automatically create a normal form, nothing special. But event OnFormKeyDown take me a strange value of key. For some keys it 255. Also GetKeyState return same value.
When I turn off thread everything is fine.
Lazarus 0.9.29 FPC 2.4.2 via GTK2 Ubuntu 10.4 AMD64
Please help.
I try to replace FWindow.WindowProc to dummy procedure, but nothing is changes.
Find interesting article
but what to do, I do not know.
May be need tell GTK to do not tracking keyboard for this window, but how can I do this :-\
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