Forum > SynEdit
Can display but not write Greek chars in SynEdit!
While playing around with the SynEdit control I found out a rather bizare fact :
If you copy - paste an extract written in Greek in a Synedit control it displays everything perfectly. For example, in a machine running Windows XP Greek, using "Courier New" as the control's font you can copy the following :
Λειτουργία : Κατασκευαστής Αντιγραφής
(Which means : "Functionality : Copy Constructor")
(You must turn your browsers encoding to GREEK ISO-8859-7 to be able to see it correctly.)
and then paste it in the SynEdit control and it will be displayed correctly!!!
I would mostly appreciate it if someone could tell me how I can write Greek characters in a SynEdit control as I am developing a C++ IDE and I really need that feature.
Thank you for your time.
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