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Use my printer...

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At first time, sorry if you find any grammatycal or language mistake in
this post. I'm from Spain, and i don't use to write in english.
Well, my problem:
-I can't use Tprinter?...Why exactly?
-I try to use "printer4lazarus" and i get the same error:
 External : SIGSEGV"

I use Lazarus in my little net (one with linux RH8 and other with W98, and printer connected to last one).I have no problem under linux (i use cups, and "cups4lazarus"), but under W98 i can't do more than see the dialogs
PrinterSetup and PrintDialog, in my app. What i'm doing wrong?...
I code some like this:

--- Code: ---

--- End code ---

...Any help or explanation will be welcome.


It looks like a configuration problem on your Win98 PC. Are you sure the installed printer is the default printer?

It's the only one printer on my local net.

Well, printer is ok. It was configured like a NET shared printer. All applications can use it, in both pcs. No more printers or pseudo printers ("fprint")are installed or configured. No problems before, with printer's usage.

Thanks for your post.

I reach a solution to my problem. But, you must see this...


(1) I tried this:
-Open Lazarus Ide.
-New Application.
-Put Button on form.
-Add "Printers" to Uses.
-Push button.
----------->RESULT : a pretty ERROR KEY VIOLATION.

(2) Then, i tried this:
-In same application form, add a PrintDialog.
-Push button.
----------->RESULT : All OK, Printer spitt the paper sheet.

(2) Al last, i tried this:
-In same application form, delete the printdialog that i putted before.
-Push button.
----------->RESULT : All OK, Printer spitt the "F%$&#@..." paper sheet again!!!.

WHAT'S HAPPEND?... I use Lazarus 0.9.6.[/color]

I think it will help the developers if you try this again from gdb and create a backtrace.
So do steps in (1) but after save do not run but do compile.
Then open a terminal (command prompt or DOS box, whatever it was called under W98 :) ).
Then go to the dir your executable is in.
Issue the following command

C:/YourDir/:> [LazDir]/pp/mingw/i386-w32/bin/gdb.exe YourExeName.exe

{All kind of output}
gdb: r
{Your program runs}
{press button}
{switch to terminal}
gdb: bt
{paste the output into a text file and report a bug}
gdb: q


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