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Firebird and WinCE

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I Need use Firebird On WinCE

Is it possible?

If yes, How to use and any sample?

As Server I don't think so, but as client you can use.


--- Quote from: abrito on December 09, 2010, 11:11:44 am ---As Server I don't think so, but as client you can use.

--- End quote ---

I Want to use client on WinCE and COnnect to Server PC

How to use FBClient on WinCE?

And have you any samples?

just put fbclient for windows ce on terminal. and you can connect to server.
use Tibconnection.

I connect by wireless to my server.

the library is not complete but work ok for me.


--- Quote from: abrito on December 09, 2010, 11:35:11 am ---just put fbclient for windows ce on terminal. and you can connect to server.
use Tibconnection.

I connect by wireless to my server.

the library is not complete but work ok for me.

--- End quote ---

I Tried this way.

But Always give "gds32.dll or fbclient.dll not found" error.

But dll file in the directory available.

I Changed these lines of

   UseEmbeddedFirebird : Boolean = True;

Always give DLL not found error

Have you any small sample?


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