
Author Topic: KOL System Units and 64Bit KOL  (Read 11944 times)


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KOL System Units and 64Bit KOL
« on: November 18, 2010, 05:04:57 am »
i used to replace Delphi7 System, SysInit, SysConst with the ones provided at KOL website, this decreased the size alot, is there anyway this can be done in lazarus?

im trying to cross-compile my project, ive no 64Bit pc, so i thought i can compile 64Bit version from my 32Bit maching, but i seen everywhere "KOL for Win32", cant i compile it for 64Bit? what needs changing to make it work on lazarus?

thanks in advance;


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Re: KOL System Units and 64Bit KOL
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2010, 09:38:34 pm »
1. We would have to rewrite the FPC system units like we did for Delphi.
I did it for Delphi 4 and parts of some others. It is not a nicething to look at. A *lot* of work.

So, chances are this will never happen, since the Freepascal system design differs completely from Delphi.
It is perfectly possible to do so, because the granularity of the units is as bad (if noot worse) than Delphi's RTL.

2.: For now KOL is strictly win32 (v. 3.0.X) and wince (stable 2.08.3).
AFAIK there are no definitive plans to port it.
I Should know, I host the website :-)

But why not ask Vladimir?


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