
Author Topic: SQLite doesn't work  (Read 4966 times)


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SQLite doesn't work
« on: May 21, 2005, 12:16:03 pm »
How can i install Sqlite? (SUse Linux 9.2)
I downloaded alrady the Bugfix (SqliteDataset) But when I installed it, Lazarus didn't run any more. Is there a special version for Linux? Or are the files for Linux and win simular?


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SQLite doesn't work
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2005, 06:19:45 pm »
Lazarus failing to run after the installation of a sql-package (IB/FB, mySQL, SQLite) usually means you have not installed the database. So you installed SQLite package for Lazarus, but you also install SQLite? I expect SQLite not to be one of the standard package installed with SuSE.
So if you want to use Lazarus with SQLite, install SQLite. If not go to the Lazarus dir (propably /usr/share/lazarus) do a make and then start Lazarus again. Via Component -> View Package Graph uninstall the SQLite package and 'build' Lazarus again.
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SQLite doesn't work
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2005, 10:19:07 pm »
In win32 (Laz 0.9.11) I've tried to install the SQLite package but recived this msg:

C:\FPC\lazarus\ide\lazarus.pp(1,1) Fatal: Unit sqlitedslaz searched but sqliteds found

What´s wrong?



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