Forum > FPSpreadsheet

FPSpreadsheet - data loss


I have a Excel file. I try to read some data from it, but some cells are empty when loading (in file there are filled with data).
A simple code shows that the file is not properly read:

--- Code: ---  wb := TsWorkbook.Create;
  wb.ReadFromFile(openme.FileName, sfExcel8);
  wb.WriteToFile(openme.FileName + '.back.xls', sfExcel8, true);

--- End code ---
After saving a file, cells, which should be filled and were not filled on read are empty when opening file in Excel. Is there any option to resolve this??

ReadFromFile converts the document from excel 8 into the fpspreadsheet intermediary format. If a cell has an unsupported type, then it will be ignored.

What are the types of the affected functions?

And in general this kind of issue should be reported in the bug tracker with a test application which reproduces the issue.


--- Quote from: felipemdc on September 14, 2010, 10:21:14 am ---What are the types of the affected functions?

--- End quote ---
the file has no functions in worksheet. only "raw" data like strings, floats, integers.

--- Quote from: felipemdc on September 14, 2010, 10:21:14 am ---And in general this kind of issue should be reported in the bug tracker with a test application which reproduces the issue.

--- End quote ---
i cannot report the issue, because i don't know how to reproduce this issue with other files. i cannot publish that file's content.

I ment: Of which types of data are the affected cells?

It should be possible to create a new file which reproduces the issue.

If not, then you can always debug fpspreadsheet yourself. It shouldn't be hard, just put some breakpoints in the excel 8 reader and see where it receives the affected cells and why it can't process them. Everything is documented, including the excel 8 format.


--- Quote from: felipemdc on September 14, 2010, 03:51:30 pm ---I ment: Of which types of data are the affected cells?

--- End quote ---
the types are as i described before (text - strings, number formats like floats, integers).

i'll try once again to reproduce the issue...


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