Forum > Lazarus

Lazarus Season of Code - Pre-eliminary Announcement

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--- Quote ---seriously, people who wants different version can still install lazarus in
--- End quote ---

Yes you can install Multiple Lazarus but is hell with config files, and compiled packages, because all this stuff is saved in the User Directory.

Is hard the mainteinance of Multible Lazarus versions.
IMHO Portable Lazarus is an easy option.

So, would the following changes solve your problem?

1> Add in the main Lazarus directory a Windows shortcut which runs:
startlazarus.exe --primary-config-path=.\

2> Add an option in the installer to add --primary-config-path=LAZARUS_PATH\ to the Lazarus icon in the desktop. Or just add 2 icons

3> The Lazarus program files menu entry could come with a "Single User Lazarus" entry which runs the respective entry

Edit: Actually only items 1 and 3 should be enough, it seams to me


--- Quote from: clauslack on August 11, 2010, 03:41:27 pm ---Yes you can install Multiple Lazarus but is hell with config files, and compiled packages, because all this stuff is saved in the User Directory.

--- End quote ---

But that (the user dir) should (and must) be the default. Everything else is an expert option.

Window, Linux, OsX they are all multi user operating systems. And any proper application for a multi user OS, should support this (and support it as the default).

That doesn't mean, it can't be an expert option, even in the installer. As long as the installer still allows the default installation, in an easy and quick manner (e.g. default install, as few clicks as possible. Even if that may mean more work, if you want an other option)


--- Quote from: Dr4x on August 11, 2010, 10:15:53 am ---What is all that discussion about? a great installer for each of you?  >:D

--- End quote ---

Not really.

An installer that complies with Windows' conventions/rules will do.

--- Quote ---seriously, people who wants different version can still install lazarus in
instead of the default c:\lazarus

--- End quote ---

FPC/Lazarus is the only application (I have seen within the last decade) that insists on installing in Windows right under the root.

By forcing the user to install it right under the root, you're also forcing the user to have Administrator rights. This, in return, makes the whole system unsafe as hell.

Ever since Vista, this is how it should be:

Binaries (read-only stuff) should be installed under

32-bit FPC or Lazarus --> C:\Program Files (x86)\
64-bit FPC or Lazarus --> C:\Program Files\

User generated data, including object files etc. should go under


User's projects etc:



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