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[1] [BUG REPORT] libusb's function libusb_get_version() Doesn't work
[2] PPCJVM - How to include FILEIO
[3] [SOLVED] GO32V2 DOS target - illegal unit name
[4] BUG REPORT: Unable to generate DEB/RPM/TAR installation package from FPC source
[5] Advantages of using PASCAL to develop embedded programs
[6] How to generate a CrossInstall installation package using the FPC source code?
[7] STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver for freepascal, with example
[8] Tutorial: Developing STM32F1 Programs with FPC/Lazarus/STLINK in Linux(Detailed)
[9] Bug Report: embedded, arm, stm32: Missing Timer definition
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