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Windows / Re: Setting the fpc path
« Last post by TRon on Today at 03:38:59 am »
All the code was entered exactly as instructed in the book and checked several times. So the question is:  why isn't it compiling?
* TRon steps into his library, looks around to end up finding a playboy from 1953 and sees that the code in there reads something completely different than the code from cousinp.

From that I have to conclude something went wrong somewhere along the line... hard to tell without any actual code and crystal balls are all sold out.
Windows / Re: Setting the fpc path
« Last post by cousinp on Today at 02:50:07 am »
dbannon, you are correct I did the dir command from the wrong directory. Here is the correct result attached.
The first hello.pas file was in notepad file without any program name and directives, the MyfirstObjProj.pas  file had a program name and directives. Could that be why it doesn't compile?  I get an error message, see second attached picture.

All the code was entered exactly as instructed in the book and checked several times. So the question is:  why isn't it compiling?
General / Re: "Show Compiler Dialog"
« Last post by JuhaManninen on Today at 02:04:04 am »
That then begs the question, what "-XX' switch is needed in the show options to enable the display of the "compiler progress"?
See my reply above.
Now only the Messages window show compiler progress. It also updates the parallel package compilations correctly in their subtrees.
Android / Re: Incorrect FPC/Lazarus build?
« Last post by Seenkao on Today at 01:47:00 am »
Спешу огорчить, удаление NDK не помогло. Лишний слеш появляется и здесь.

Google translate:
I hasten to disappoint you, deleting NDK did not help. The extra slash appears here too.

C:\laz2\cross\bin\all-android\bin\arm-linux-androideabi-ld.bfd.exe: C:\laz2\cross\lib\arm-android\/ unable to initialize decompress status for section .debug_abbrev
C:\laz2\cross\bin\all-android\bin\arm-linux-androideabi-ld.bfd.exe: C:\laz2\cross\lib\arm-android\/ unable to initialize decompress status for section .debug_abbrev
C:\laz2\cross\lib\arm-android\/ file not recognized: File format not recognized
Graphics / Re: Bitmap 16bit R5G6B5
« Last post by wp on Today at 01:16:23 am »
Just uploaded to my github a small tool to analyze and display the headers of bmp files:
General / Loading text data from a resource file
« Last post by carl_caulkett on Today at 01:10:53 am »
* Mac Mini M1 (silicon)
* macOS 14.6.1
* Lazarus 3.4
* FPC 3.2.2

I've been asking over n the Mac channels, but I figure I should ask here to reach a bigger audience...

I have a large text file named "OsmosePresets.txt" like this but much bigger (~520 lines)...
Code: Text  [Select][+][-]
  1. bass
  2. 30, 1, "acid bass", "aggressive + analog + distorted + stereo"
  3. 30, 2, "acouskop", "acoustic + distorted + fm + shaking"
  4. 30, 31, "bass distosine", "acoustic + synthetic"
  5. 30, 32, "bass monster", "analog + distorted + portamento + synthetic"
  6. 30, 74, "chordead", "analog + chords"
  7. 30, 108, "deep corners", "analog + chords"
  8. 30, 112, "dirt acid", "analog + distorted"
  9. 30, 119, "doubleslap", "acoustic + shaking + warm + woody"
  10. 30, 127, "edgy fm", "fm"
  11. 31, 3, "eighty neon", "analog"
  12. 31, 5, "electric bass 1", "acoustic + electric"
  13. 31, 6, "electric bass 2", "acoustic + electric"
  14. 31, 29, "fat model d", "analog + big + noise + portamento + warm"
  15. 31, 36, "flunkly", "analog"
  16. 31, 43, "fm darkness", "aggressive + big + dark + digital + dry + ensemble + fm + noise"
  17. 31, 44, "fm doublebass", "clean + fm + portamento"
  18. 31, 50, "fm slapman", "bright + digital + fm + metallic + stereo"
  19. 31, 54, "forgotten animal", "analog + fm + portamento"
  20. 31, 55, "forty eight db", "analog + distorted"
  21. 31, 56, "fourad", "analog + distorted"
  22. 31, 57, "fretless bass", "acoustic + portamento"
  23. 31, 76, "grittysaw", "analog + distorted"
  24. 31, 86, "hollowrez", "analog"
  25. 31, 107, "juknow that bass", "analog + big + clean + simple + soft + stereo"
  26. 31, 121, "kinespeech", "analog + vocal"
  27. 32, 5, "lacous bass", "acoustic + portamento"
  28. 32, 7, "ladder bass", "analog + lfo + synthetic"
  29. 32, 58, "night bass", "analog + portamento"
  30. 32, 92, "outspoken", "analog"
  31. 32, 109, "piercing bass", "aggressive + big + dark + digital"
  32. 32, 114, "pl-bass", "analog + dry + warm"
  33. 32, 126, "pulzz", "analog"
  34. 33, 5, "reesotto", "aggressive + digital"
  35. 33, 6, "reesy rider", "aggressive + analog + distorted + stereo"
  36. 33, 19, "rusty bass", "dark + digital + fm + soft"
  37. 33, 20, "rusty square", "analog + distorted"
  38. 33, 39, "simpledecay", "analog + distorted"
  39. 33, 41, "simplerez", "analog"
  40. 33, 48, "smooth operator", "acoustic + fm"
  41. 33, 49, "solid square", "analog"
  42. 33, 68, "steroids", "analog + noise"
  43. 33, 74, "sub bass 1", "analog"
  44. 33, 75, "subway", "analog + clean + dark + fm + simple"
  45. 33, 77, "syncat", "analog"
  46. 33, 95, "thrilla bass", "analog + dry"
  47. 33, 114, "velsquare", "analog"
  48. 33, 119, "vintage wide bass", "analog + big + dark + portamento + soft + stereo + warm"
  49. 33, 125, "walking blues", "acoustic"
  50. 33, 127, "wallface", "digital + fm + portamento"

I have made a file called "OsmosePresets.rc" which consists of...
Code: Text  [Select][+][-]
  1. OsmosePresets RCDATA OsmosePresets.txt

I then produced a ".res" file by running...
Code: Bash  [Select][+][-]
  1. fpcres OsmosePresets.rc -o OsmosePresets.res -of res

This produced "OsmosePresets.res" which consists of a file with a few control characters as well as the recognisable data...
Code: Text  [Select][+][-]
  1. ˇˇˇˇ»_8ˇˇ
  2. OSMOSEPRESETS     bass
  3. 30, 1, "acid bass", "aggressive + analog + distorted + stereo"
  4. 30, 2, "acouskop", "acoustic + distorted + fm + shaking"
  5. 30, 31, "bass distosine", "acoustic + synthetic"
  6. 30, 32, "bass monster", "analog + distorted + portamento + synthetic"
  7. 30, 74, "chordead", "analog + chords"
  8. 30, 108, "deep corners", "analog + chords"
  9. 30, 112, "dirt acid", "analog + distorted"
  10. 30, 119, "doubleslap", "acoustic + shaking + warm + woody"
  11. 30, 127, "edgy fm", "fm"
  12. 31, 3, "eighty neon", "analog"
  13. 31, 5, "electric bass 1", "acoustic + electric"
  14. 31, 6, "electric bass 2", "acoustic + electric"
  15. 31, 29, "fat model d", "analog + big + noise + portamento + warm"
  16. 31, 36, "flunkly", "analog"
  17. 31, 43, "fm darkness", "aggressive + big + dark + digital + dry + ensemble + fm + noise"

My problem is then how to add this resource to my project so I can the extract the data via a TResourceStream.

If I reference "OsmosePresets.res" in my form unit code, like this...
Code: Pascal  [Select][+][-]
  1. implementation
  3. {$R 'OsmosePresets.res'}
  4. {$R *.lfm}

I find that I have to remove the "{$ *.res}" in the project source, otherwise I get a build error of duplicate resources.
So I can build the project, but there are two problems. One, the program fails to find the "OsmosePresets" resource, and two, the act of building the project seems to cause a new version of the "OsmosePresets.res" file to be generated, with radically different content...
Code: Text  [Select][+][-]
  1. ˇˇˇˇ‡ ˇˇˇˇ<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
  2. <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0">
  3.  <assemblyIdentity version="" processorArchitecture="*" name="CompanyName.ProductName.AppName" type="win32"/>
  4.  <description>Your application description.</description>
  5.  <dependency>
  6.   <dependentAssembly>
  7.    <assemblyIdentity type="win32" name="Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls" version="" processorArchitecture="*" publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df" language="*"/>
  8.   </dependentAssembly>
  9.  </dependency>
  10.  <trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">
  11.   <security>
  12.    <requestedPrivileges>
  13.     <requestedExecutionLevel level="asInvoker" uiAccess="false"/>
  14.    </requestedPrivileges>
  15.   </security>
  16.  </trustInfo>
  17.  <compatibility xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:compatibility.v1">
  18.   <application>
  19.    <!-- Windows Vista -->
  20.    <supportedOS Id="{e2011457-1546-43c5-a5fe-008deee3d3f0}" />
  21.    <!-- Windows 7 -->
  22.    <supportedOS Id="{35138b9a-5d96-4fbd-8e2d-a2440225f93a}" />
  23.    <!-- Windows 8 -->
  24.    <supportedOS Id="{4a2f28e3-53b9-4441-ba9c-d69d4a4a6e38}" />
  25.    <!-- Windows 8.1 -->
  26.    <supportedOS Id="{1f676c76-80e1-4239-95bb-83d0f6d0da78}" />
  27.    <!-- Windows 10 -->
  28.    <supportedOS Id="{8e0f7a12-bfb3-4fe8-b9a5-48fd50a15a9a}" />
  29.    </application>
  30.   </compatibility>
  31.  <asmv3:application xmlns:asmv3="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">
  32.   <asmv3:windowsSettings xmlns="">
  33.    <dpiAware>True</dpiAware>
  34.   </asmv3:windowsSettings>
  35.   <asmv3:windowsSettings xmlns="">
  37.    <longPathAware>false</longPathAware>
  39.   </asmv3:windowsSettings>
  40.  </asmv3:application>
  41. </assembly>v0ˇˇMAINICON ”öÄÄ (00 ®%(( h   ® à       ∏ h”ö ˇˇˇˇâPNG
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I asked the original question on the Mac channel, but I thought it would be useful to find out how everyone else loads text data from resource files...

I've also seen posts suggesting that the Resources dialog within Project Options is the best way to add resource data, but I've found that the load dialog only permits the additions of graphics files, which is of no use to me!

What glaringly obvious thing am I missing here>
Android / Re: Incorrect FPC/Lazarus build?
« Last post by Seenkao on Today at 01:04:08 am »
Забыл, на данный момент я вижу только одно решение, это удалить NDK и после этого устанавливать нужные для Android кросскомпиляторы. Потом NDK надо будет заново установить.

Google translate:
Forgot, at the moment I see only one solution, it is to remove NDK and after that install the necessary cross compilers for Android. Then NDK will need to be reinstalled.
Android / Re: Incorrect FPC/Lazarus build?
« Last post by Seenkao on Today at 12:50:21 am »
Странно что вообще ни кто не хочет отвечать. Мой вопрос касается не только меня, но и всех кто захочет использовать кросскомпиляцию для FPC/Lazarus. Люди установят себе Android Studio и после этого захотят установить FPC/Lazarus + кросскомпилятор. Результат будет удручающим, они не смогут собрать свои проекты под Android.

Лично у меня есть кросскомпиляторы, которые собирают под нужные платформы. Установлены они на Linux. Я могу поделится ими с желающими, но вы предлагаете людям переходить с Windows на Linux? )))

Где затаилась проблема я не знаю, может быть в исходных кодах FPC, а может в FPCUPDeluxe.
Найдите пожалуйста проблему! Это в ваших же интересах!

Понижение версии FPCUPDeluxe лучше результат не дал. Лог внизу.

Google translate:

It's strange that no one wants to answer. My question concerns not only me, but also everyone who wants to use cross-compilation for FPC/Lazarus. People will install Android Studio and then want to install FPC/Lazarus + cross-compiler. The result will be depressing, they will not be able to build their projects for Android.

Personally, I have cross-compilers that build for the required platforms. They are installed on Linux. I can share them with those who want, but are you suggesting that people switch from Windowsto Linux? )))

I don't know where the problem is hidden, maybe in the source codes of FPC, or maybe in FPCUPDeluxe.
Please find the problem! It's in your best interest!

Downgrading FPCUPDeluxe didn't give a better result. Log:

C:\laz3\cross\bin\all-android\bin\arm-linux-androideabi-ld.bfd.exe: C:\Users\Mirrel\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\ndk\27.1.12297006\toolchains\llvm\prebuilt\windows-x86_64\sysroot\usr\lib\arm-linux-androideabi\\libc.a(checksum.o): unable to initialize decompress status for section .debug_str
C:\laz3\cross\bin\all-android\bin\arm-linux-androideabi-ld.bfd.exe: C:\Users\Mirrel\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\ndk\27.1.12297006\toolchains\llvm\prebuilt\windows-x86_64\sysroot\usr\lib\arm-linux-androideabi\\libc.a(checksum.o): unable to initialize decompress status for section .debug_str
C:\laz3\cross\bin\all-android\bin\arm-linux-androideabi-ld.bfd.exe: C:\Users\Mirrel\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\ndk\27.1.12297006\toolchains\llvm\prebuilt\windows-x86_64\sysroot\usr\lib\arm-linux-androideabi\\libc.a(__errno.o): unable to initialize decompress status for section .debug_abbrev
C:\laz3\cross\bin\all-android\bin\arm-linux-androideabi-ld.bfd.exe: C:\Users\Mirrel\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\ndk\27.1.12297006\toolchains\llvm\prebuilt\windows-x86_64\sysroot\usr\lib\arm-linux-androideabi\\libc.a(__errno.o): unable to initialize decompress status for section .debug_abbrev
C:\Users\Mirrel\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\ndk\27.1.12297006\toolchains\llvm\prebuilt\windows-x86_64\sysroot\usr\lib\arm-linux-androideabi\\libc.a: error adding symbols: File format not recognized
General / Re: "Show Compiler Dialog"
« Last post by carl_caulkett on Today at 12:37:57 am »
Button at the bottom of your screenshot. I mentioned that yesterday.

However in this specific case I'm not sure it's what you're asking for.


Sorry! I was looking for a button specifically marked as "Show Compiler Progress". I didn't realise that you meant the 'Show Options" dialog. Put it down to a classic case of only seeing (or not seeing) what I wanted to see.

That then begs the question, what "-XX' switch is needed in the show options to enable the display of the "compiler progress"?
Audio and Video / Re: Game Music Emulator
« Last post by Fred vS on Today at 12:28:56 am »
Hi ,
  the project attached in zip format;
Many thanks, it works great!   ;D
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