You will have to make the cell in question the selected cell of the grid by setting it's Row and Col properties according to your Coords in order to get proper access to the underlying record. You might then as well use the grids DoCopyToClipboard method.
Unfortunately a right click on a cell does not by itself highlight / select it.Did you read the last part of my post?
The field behind the highlighted cell in the grid can be accessed as DBGrid.SelectedField. Therefore, copying a cell string to the clipboard boils down toHowever, you must make sure that the right-click to open the popup menu moves the selection to the clicked cell. This happens without any further code when you add the option dgAnyButtonCanSelect to the grid's Options.
procedure TForm1.MenuItem1Click(Sender: TObject); var field: TField; begin field := DBGrid1.SelectedField; if Assigned(field) then Clipboard.AsText := field.AsString; end;