
Miscellaneous => Documentation (Maintaining -) => Topic started by: pascal111 on May 09, 2021, 03:15:45 pm

Title: Arabic documents for Lazarus
Post by: pascal111 on May 09, 2021, 03:15:45 pm
بحثتُ في google عن وثائق بالعربيّة للـ Lazarus ومصادر تعليميّة ولكنّني وجدت فقط كتاباً أو كتابين في مبادئ الـ freePascal وبيئة الـ Lazarus ،مُجرّد مبادئ فقط مثل الـ loops والـ conditional if وتعريف الإجراءات والدّوال ولكن لا يُوجد معلومات دسمة في عُمق برمجة الـ Lazarus مثل ما هو موجود بالإنجليزيّة ولغات أخرى. هل يُوجد وثائق رسميّة للـ Lazarus بالعربيّة ولم أطلع عليها وإن لم يكن ذلكـ فلماذا مصادر الـ Lazarus بالعربيّة نادرة؟

google translate:

"I searched google for Arabic documents for Lazarus and educational resources, but I only found a book or two on principles of freePascal and the Lazarus environment, just principles such as loops and conditional if and the definition of procedures and functions, but there is no rich information in the depth of Lazarus programming like what is available In English and other languages. Are there official documents for Lazarus in Arabic that I have not seen, and if not, why are Lazarus sources in Arabic rare?"
Title: Re: Arabic documents for Lazarus
Post by: PascalDragon on May 09, 2021, 05:15:31 pm
"I searched google for Arabic documents for Lazarus and educational resources, but I only found a book or two on principles of freePascal and the Lazarus environment, just principles such as loops and conditional if and the definition of procedures and functions, but there is no rich information in the depth of Lazarus programming like what is available In English and other languages. Are there official documents for Lazarus in Arabic that I have not seen, and if not, why are Lazarus sources in Arabic rare?"

There are no official documents in Arabic, because the official language of the project is English. And there are no inofficial ones, because no one has written them.
Title: Re: Arabic documents for Lazarus
Post by: pascal111 on May 09, 2021, 05:40:12 pm
"I searched google for Arabic documents for Lazarus and educational resources, but I only found a book or two on principles of freePascal and the Lazarus environment, just principles such as loops and conditional if and the definition of procedures and functions, but there is no rich information in the depth of Lazarus programming like what is available In English and other languages. Are there official documents for Lazarus in Arabic that I have not seen, and if not, why are Lazarus sources in Arabic rare?"

There are no official documents in Arabic, because the official language of the project is English. And there are no inofficial ones, because no one has written them.

لماذا لا يحذو مُجتمع الـ Lazarus حذو مايكروسوفت في التسعينات حيثُ كانت مواد نظام Windows وبعض البرامج المميزة التي تعمل عليه تُترجم إلى عربيّة مُميزة ورسميّة بنسخ كُتب كمبيوتر أنيقة وحديثة خصيصاً للقارئ والمتعلّم السعودي عن طريق مُترجمين مميزين جدّاً في العربيّة والإنجليزيّة وفهم مواد الكمبيوتر والمواد الأجنبيّة مثل المُترجمين اللبنانيين.

لقد كانت تلكـ الكتب كتباً عربيّة قياسيّة في نظام الـ Windows وبعض البرامج المميزة والهامّة التي كانت تعمل عليه وبلغة عربيّة رسميّة وتُعدّ هذه الكتب آنذاكـ كمصادر ممتازة للمعلومات ،حيث كان القارئ السعودي يتعلّم المصطلح العربي ويعلم كذلكـ مُقابله الإنجليزي حيث أنّ كثيرا من القرّاء السعوديين لا يُجيدون لغات أجنبيّة ولكنّهم يُجيدون العربيّة ويُقدرون الكتب العربيّة الجيّدة مثل الترجمات اللبنانيّة.

google translate:

"Why does the Lazarus community not follow Microsoft’s example in the nineties, when the Windows system materials and some of the distinctive programs that work on it were translated into distinct and official Arabic with elegant and modern computer book copies specially for the Saudi reader and learner by very distinguished translators in Arabic and English and understanding computer materials and foreign materials such as translators The Lebanese.

These books were standard Arabic books on the Windows system and some distinctive and important programs that were working on it in an official Arabic language. These books were considered at that time as excellent sources of information, as the Saudi reader was learning the Arabic term and also knew its English counterpart, as many Saudi readers were not fluent in languages They are foreign, but they are fluent in Arabic and appreciate good Arabic books such as Lebanese translations."
Title: Re: Arabic documents for Lazarus
Post by: Blade on May 09, 2021, 05:47:34 pm
google translate:

"I searched google for Arabic documents for Lazarus and educational resources, but I only found a book or two on principles of freePascal and the Lazarus environment, just principles such as loops and conditional if and the definition of procedures and functions, but there is no rich information in the depth of Lazarus programming like what is available In English and other languages. Are there official documents for Lazarus in Arabic that I have not seen, and if not, why are Lazarus sources in Arabic rare?"

The author of the ebook, Start Programming Using Object Pascal ( (, appears to be an Arabic speaker.  His name is Motaz Abdel Azeem.  Perhaps you can check out the website link (above) and research about him.  Possibly you can contact him.

In fact, Motaz was a member of this forum and his original Pascal ebook was written in Arabic.  Also check this link- (
Title: Re: Arabic documents for Lazarus
Post by: PascalDragon on May 09, 2021, 06:07:39 pm
"Why does the Lazarus community not follow Microsoft’s example in the nineties, when the Windows system materials and some of the distinctive programs that work on it were translated into distinct and official Arabic with elegant and modern computer book copies specially for the Saudi reader and learner by very distinguished translators in Arabic and English and understanding computer materials and foreign materials such as translators The Lebanese.

We simply don't have the manpower for that. It's already hard enough to keep one language up to date.
Title: Re: Arabic documents for Lazarus
Post by: pascal111 on May 09, 2021, 06:44:39 pm
google translate:

"I searched google for Arabic documents for Lazarus and educational resources, but I only found a book or two on principles of freePascal and the Lazarus environment, just principles such as loops and conditional if and the definition of procedures and functions, but there is no rich information in the depth of Lazarus programming like what is available In English and other languages. Are there official documents for Lazarus in Arabic that I have not seen, and if not, why are Lazarus sources in Arabic rare?"

The author of the ebook, Start Programming Using Object Pascal ( (, appears to be an Arabic speaker.  His name is Motaz Abdel Azeem.  Perhaps you can check out the website link (above) and research about him.  Possibly you can contact him.

In fact, Motaz was a member of this forum and his original Pascal ebook was written in Arabic.  Also check this link- (

ألقيتُ نظرة على محتويات الكتاب ،يبدو محدوداً وأتوقّع أن نسخته العربيّة ليست بلغة عربيّة رسميّة ،لن يكون بالجودة الخاصّة بالقارئ السعودي ،للأسف فالسعوديّة لا تقبل بأي مُستوى تعليمي مُتدني أو متدني في الجودة فهي رقم واحد.

google translate:

"I looked at the contents of the book, it seems limited and I expect that its Arabic version is not in an official Arabic language, it will not be of the quality of the Saudi reader, unfortunately Saudi Arabia does not accept any educational level of low or low quality, it is number one."
Title: Re: Arabic documents for Lazarus
Post by: pascal111 on May 09, 2021, 06:57:17 pm
"Why does the Lazarus community not follow Microsoft’s example in the nineties, when the Windows system materials and some of the distinctive programs that work on it were translated into distinct and official Arabic with elegant and modern computer book copies specially for the Saudi reader and learner by very distinguished translators in Arabic and English and understanding computer materials and foreign materials such as translators The Lebanese.

We simply don't have the manpower for that. It's already hard enough to keep one language up to date.

أظنّني أرى الآن سبب المشكلة ،إذ يبدو أنّهُ لم يتم الترويج جيّداً للـ Lazarus في السعوديّة وإلا لكان هناكـ طلباً وكانت ستتعاقد وتتدبّر الأمر.

google translate:

"I think I now see the cause of the problem, as it seems that Lazarus was not promoted well in Saudi Arabia, otherwise there would have been a request and she it would have contracted and managed (what it needed)."
Title: Re: Arabic documents for Lazarus
Post by: lucamar on May 09, 2021, 08:07:02 pm
You have to remember that FPC and Lazarus are volunteer-based projects: there is no "big name" (neither big money) behind it, and whatever is done has to be through individuals willing to devote part of their time to it.
Title: Re: Arabic documents for Lazarus
Post by: Martin_fr on May 09, 2021, 08:14:17 pm
"it seems that Lazarus was not promoted well in Saudi Arabia"

It needs a volunteer. It needs a person who will do the promotion. And the volunteer must do that as a hobby. No payment.

The only "official" promotion is this forum, and our main website.
The forum and the website are maintained by the "core team". But the "core team" are volunteers too.

There is no "marketing team"
Title: Re: Arabic documents for Lazarus
Post by: pascal111 on May 09, 2021, 08:42:10 pm
You have to remember that FPC and Lazarus are volunteer-based projects: there is no "big name" (neither big money) behind it, and whatever is done has to be through individuals willing to devote part of their time to it.

من العجيب أنّ عملاً تطوعيّاً يحوي كلّ هذا الإبداع ،إنّهم يستحقون التكريم وتقديم أيّ مُساعدات فما قدموه من مجهود ليس مجهود هواةٍ بل مُحترفين في سوق العمل ،عمل رائع.

google translate:

"It is surprising that volunteer work contains all this creativity, and they deserve to be honored and to provide any assistance. Their effort is not an amateurs effort but rather a professional in the labor market, a wonderful job."
Title: Re: Arabic documents for Lazarus
Post by: pascal111 on May 09, 2021, 09:09:44 pm
"it seems that Lazarus was not promoted well in Saudi Arabia"

It needs a volunteer. It needs a person who will do the promotion. And the volunteer must do that as a hobby. No payment.

The only "official" promotion is this forum, and our main website.
The forum and the website are maintained by the "core team". But the "core team" are volunteers too.

There is no "marketing team"

في آخر فترةٍ كنتُ فيها في السعوديّة كان الترويج والإهتمام في البرمجة هو للغة VB6 ولقد كانت إبداعاً رائعاً حقّاً من مايكروسوفت ولكن هذه الأيام يُوجد VB.Net وأظنّ أنّ سياسة مايكروسوفت تغيرت قليلاً عمّا كانت عليه فترة VB6 فأظنّ أنّ VB.Net ليس بنفس الأسلوب ولكن عند تعاملي على Lazarus تفاجأت حيثُ يحتوي Lazarus على كلّ ما كان يُعجبنا في VB6 بالرغم من اختلاف اللغتين ،قد يجد المتعلّم الجديد بعض الصعوبة عندما ينتقل من VB6 إلى Lazarus لاختلاف Pascal عن BASIC حيث منطق Pascal أعلى من الـ BASIC ولكن بعد بعض الجهد سيستوعب Pascal وسيجد كلّ مميزات VB6 في Lazarus بل ومزيداً عن ذلكـ بكثير.

على ما أظن أنّ Lazarus تكاد تكون في قوّة الـ C++ ومع ذلكـ ففيها رشاقة ومُرونة وسلاسة مُشابهة للتي في الـ VB6 ولا يُمكن التفريط في لغة فيها كلّ هذه المميزات وكيف لا يُمكن الترويج لمثل هذه اللغة؟!!

من الصعب أن تنتشر الـ C++ بين المُتعلمين السعوديين ﻷنّها تحتاج الإلمام بتفاصيل أكثر في المستوى الأدنى من الكمبيوتر على ما أعتقد ولكنّهم يُريدون لغة سلسة مثل الـ VB6 وLazarus فيها كلّ المطلوب.

يهتم بعض السعوديين جدّاً ببرمجة قواعد البيانات لانتشار النشاطات التجاريّة عندهم وأظنّ أنّ Lazarus تستطيع تقديم المطلوب في برمجة قواعد البيانات دون نفس التعقيدات في C++ وبنفس سلاسة الـ VB6.

يهتم بعض الهواة السعوديين كذلكـ ببرمجة الألعاب ويُمكن تقديم نماذج برمجة ألعاب معقولة على Lazarus ﻷنّ الألعاب الأكبر من ذلكـ قد تحتاج لمهارات وإلمام ببعض جوانب الرياضيّات وهذا الجانب يحتاج دورات خاصّة في الرياضيّات لرفع كفاءة المتعلم السعودي ليستطيع أن يستوعب الأكواد التي من هذا النوع.

نعم كما أشرتَ فـ Lazarus تحتاج لمروّج جيّد لها في السعوديّة وقبل ذلكـ إستمرار الترويج لنشاط البرمجة ذاته وتقديم Lazarus كنموذج لغة مثاليّة تصلح للمبتدئين والمُحترفين وتصلح للأغراض التعليميّة كذلكـ.

لم تكن الـ C++ تُستخدم من أجل كثير من البرامج بسبب قدرة الـ VB6 على برمجة تلكـ البرامج بمرونة وسلاسة أكبر من الـ C++ ولكن كانت الـ C++ لغة أغراض خاصّة لتنفيذ المهام التي لا تقدر عليها الـ VB6 مثل البرمجة متدنيّة المستوى ولكن كما كان الحال مع الـ VB6 يُمكن أن يكون مع Lazarus فتستخدم عوضاً عن الـ C++ في برمجة مُعظم البرامج حيث يُمكن تنفيذ نفس المهمّات بمرونة أكبر وبدون تعقيدات الـ C++.

فعلاً أفكّر في طريقة لترويج الـ Lazarus في السعوديّة.

google translate:

"In the last period I was in Saudi Arabia, the promotion and interest in programming was for the VB6 language, and it was a really wonderful innovation from Microsoft, but these days there is VB.Net and I think that Microsoft's policy has changed a little from what it was in the period of VB6, so I think that VB.Net is not in the same style, but when My dealings on Lazarus, I was surprised that Lazarus contains everything we liked about VB6. Despite the difference in the two languages, the new learner may find some difficulty when switching from VB6 to Lazarus because Pascal differs from BASIC as Pascal logic is higher than BASIC, but after some effort, Pascal will absorb and find all VB6 features in Lazarus, and much more.

I think that Lazarus is almost as powerful as C ++, however it has agility, flexibility and smoothness similar to that in VB6, and it is not possible to neglect a language that has all these features and how can such a language not be promoted? !!

It is difficult for C ++ to spread among Saudi learners because it needs familiarity with more details at the lower level of the computer, I think, but they want a smooth language like VB6 and Lazarus that has all the requirements.

Some Saudis are very interested in programming databases for the spread of their commercial activities, and I think that Lazarus can provide what is required in database programming without the same complexities in C ++ and with the same smoothness of VB6.

Some Saudi amateurs are also interested in programming games, and reasonable game programming models can be presented on Lazarus because games that are larger than that may require skills and familiarity with some aspects of mathematics and this aspect needs special courses in mathematics to raise the efficiency of the Saudi learner to be able to understand codes of this kind.

Yes, as you indicated, Lazarus needs a good promoter for it in Saudi Arabia, and before that, continuing to promote the programming activity itself and present Lazarus as an ideal language model suitable for beginners and professionals and suitable for educational purposes as well.

C ++ was not used for many programs because of the ability of VB6 to program those programs with greater flexibility and smoothness than C ++, but C ++ was a special purpose language to implement tasks that VB6 could not do, such as low-level programming, but as was the case with VB6 It could be with Lazarus, so it is used instead of C ++ in programming most programs, where the same tasks can be executed more flexibly and without the complexities of C ++.

Really, I am thinking of a way to promote Lazarus in Saudi Arabia."
Title: Re: Arabic documents for Lazarus
Post by: trev on May 10, 2021, 01:16:58 am
There is also the Free Pascal and Lazarus Wiki ( which any volunteer can update or translate.

If you are interested in improving the Arabic documentation from its current almost non-existent state, a reasonable place to start would be the New Users Portal (

Title: Re: Arabic documents for Lazarus
Post by: pascal111 on May 10, 2021, 01:52:37 am
Thanks! @trev
Title: Re: Arabic documents for Lazarus
Post by: pascal111 on May 10, 2021, 02:06:32 am
في مرّةٍ من المرّات حاولت تقديم مُساعدة في مُنتدى لتعليم العربيّة ولكنّ مُحاولتي لم تُقابل بالشكر بل بالهجوم والنقد ،لذا إن تعلّمتُ Lazarus جيّداً وأحسنته وقرّرتُ الكتابة عنه من أجل تعليمه فقد أكتُب كتاباً أو أصنع موقع wiki وأضع فيهِ ما تعلّمته على طريقتي.

google translate:

"One time I tried to provide help in a forum to teach Arabic, but my attempt was not met with thanks, but with attack and criticism, so if I learned well and improved Lazarus and decided to write about it for the sake of his "its" education, I would write a book or create a wiki and put in it what I learned on my own way."
Title: Re: Arabic documents for Lazarus
Post by: Blade on May 10, 2021, 02:07:11 am
Really, I am thinking of a way to promote Lazarus in Saudi Arabia."

From that same website that I referred to before, there is a second ebook on Object Pascal, this one is entirely in Arabic.  (
(Second Step With Pascal, in Arabic)
(Start Programming Using Object Pascal, in Arabic)

Non-Arabic speakers of course can't assess its quality or issues like dialect and grammar, but perhaps this and the first ebook (Start Programming Using Object Pascal) can be reference materials for newer ones, tailored more specifically to your tastes and users that you are trying to reach.
Title: Re: Arabic documents for Lazarus
Post by: pascal111 on May 10, 2021, 02:11:32 am
Really, I am thinking of a way to promote Lazarus in Saudi Arabia."

From that same website that I referred to before, there is a second ebook on Object Pascal, this one is entirely in Arabic.  (
(Second Step With Pascal)

Non-Arabic speakers of course can't access its quality or issues like dialect and grammar, but perhaps this and the first ebook (Start Programming Using Object Pascal) can be reference materials for newer ones, tailored more specifically to your tastes and users that you are trying to reach.

Title: Re: Arabic documents for Lazarus
Post by: Blade on May 10, 2021, 02:36:40 am

No problem.  And, just in case you didn't see it, I edited my previous post which links to the Arabic version of "Start Programming Using Object Pascal" for your evaluation.
Title: Re: Arabic documents for Lazarus
Post by: pascal111 on May 10, 2021, 03:01:19 am

No problem.  And, just in case you didn't see it, I edited my previous post which links to the Arabic version of "Start Programming Using Object Pascal" for your evaluation.

الموقف مُحرج ،ﻷنّ هذا الكتاب مجهود شخص آخر وأنا لم أدفع ثمن النسخة ولكنّ سؤالي وبحثي داخل المنتدى ووثائق الـ Lazarus فهو مجهودي ومجهود المتطوعين وهو مجاني.

google translate:

"The situation is embarrassing, because this book is another person’s effort, and I did not pay for the copy, but my question and search inside the forum and the Lazarus documents is my effort and volunteer effort and it is free of charge."
Title: Re: Arabic documents for Lazarus
Post by: lucamar on May 10, 2021, 03:11:33 am
"The situation is embarrassing, because this book is another person’s effort, and I did not pay for the copy

Motaz's books have a Creative Commons license (though he doesn't specify which one) so it's intended to be used, and probably modified, by anyone freely and without paying.
Title: Re: Arabic documents for Lazarus
Post by: trev on May 10, 2021, 04:10:59 am
@Pascal111: You may be able to contact Motaz by going to his profile (;u=40340) and clicking on the email symbol (an envelope) assuming his email address is still current. He last visited the forums in April 2019.
Title: Re: Arabic documents for Lazarus
Post by: pascal111 on May 10, 2021, 01:45:05 pm
من الطريف أنّني حلمتُ في ليلتي الفائتة بكتاب مُعتز وبوالدي المتوفي.

أظنّ كما تفضّلتم أنّ الكتاب مُتاح للإستخدام ،لا بأس ،أشكركم.


google translate:

"It is interesting that, last night, I dreamed of a book proud "of Motaz" and of my died father.

I thought as you liked that the book is usable, okay, thank you."

Title: Re: Arabic documents for Lazarus
Post by: marcov on May 10, 2021, 09:27:18 pm
"Why does the Lazarus community not follow Microsoft’s example in the nineties, when the Windows system materials and some of the distinctive programs that work on it were translated into distinct and official Arabic with elegant and modern computer book copies specially for the Saudi reader and learner by very distinguished translators in Arabic and English and understanding computer materials and foreign materials such as translators The Lebanese.

That's because Microsoft made billions an year in that period, while the revenue of Free Pascal is measured in liters of coffee. Some years milliliters.

We are very grateful to Inoussa OUEDRAOGO and Ido Kanner who made sure that at least the runtimes parts of FPC are somewhat usable with Middle Eastern scripts.
Title: Re: Arabic documents for Lazarus
Post by: pascal111 on May 11, 2021, 10:31:18 pm
"Why does the Lazarus community not follow Microsoft’s example in the nineties, when the Windows system materials and some of the distinctive programs that work on it were translated into distinct and official Arabic with elegant and modern computer book copies specially for the Saudi reader and learner by very distinguished translators in Arabic and English and understanding computer materials and foreign materials such as translators The Lebanese.

That's because Microsoft made billions an year in that period, while the revenue of Free Pascal is measured in liters of coffee. Some years milliliters.

We are very grateful to Inoussa OUEDRAOGO and Ido Kanner who made sure that at least the runtimes parts of FPC are somewhat usable with Middle Eastern scripts.

عذراً إن تأخّرتُ في كتابة تعليق على ردّكـ ﻷنّني لا أرى رسائل تنبيه تُخبرني بأي رُدود جديدة في أيّة مواضيع شاركت بها أو أنشأتها.

أشكُر معكـ مجهود كلّاً من Inoussa OUEDRAOGO وIdo Kanner في تزويد هذا العمل الرائع المُسمّى Lazarus بمميزات التعامل مع لغات مثل العربيّة.

بالنّسبة لما أشرت إليه بخصوص مايكروسوفت فكلامكـ صحيح حيث التوجّه هنا تجاري جدّاً في جنب هذه الشركة ولكن Free Pascal يستحق الدعم ﻷنّهُ عمل إبداعي رائع لا يعرف قيمته إلا الذين يُقدّرون ويفهمون ما يحتويه وبالرغم من أنّ ما أعرفه قليل في Lazarus إلّا أنّني قد لمستُ الإبداع فيه.

google translate:

"Sorry "Excusing!", if I was late in writing a comment on your response, because I do not see alert messages informing me of any new responses on any topics I participated in or "I have" created.

I thank "with" you for the effort of Inoussa OUEDRAOGO and Ido Kanner in providing this wonderful work called Lazarus with the advantages of dealing with languages ​​such as Arabic.

As for what you referred to regarding Microsoft, your words are correct, as the approach here is very commercial in the side of this company, but Free Pascal deserves the support because it is a wonderful creative work whose value is known only to those who appreciate and understand what it contains. Although what I know is little in Lazarus, I have touched the creativity in it."
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