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Database / Re: Bizarre SQLite error
« Last post by heebiejeebies on Today at 10:04:26 pm »
Haha, because I'm a moron, clearly. I was so hung up on why this worked previously that I didn't even notice that.

Seriously though, WHY DID THIS WORK PREVIOUSLY??!!? I didn't change ANYTHING in the code. I wonder if it's something to do with the changes to the sqlite3connection class.
Other / Re: Interesting article about AI
« Last post by ackarwow on Today at 10:03:38 pm »
"how can procedural programming _always_ produce better quality code than OOP"? I'm asking for proof.
Maybe it's about programming convenience? If so - it's related to needs (what do I need it for?), habits and tastes (how I like and can write?). Of course, the discussion still makes sense, but a resolution is impossible.
General / How make the GUI as one part?
« Last post by coradi on Today at 10:01:27 pm »
Sorry, I don't know how I should describe it better..

I don't like that Lazarus works with many Windows, every time I search the Message or an other Window from Lazarus.
Is there a way, how I can use it as a one Window Version?
TAChart / Re: [Solved] Crosshair error when changing series
« Last post by Marq01 on Today at 09:55:14 pm »
Good point. I really need to update to keep up with all the stuff.
Thanks wp.
Database / Re: Bizarre SQLite error
« Last post by dsiders on Today at 09:55:13 pm »
Why are you opening the dataset before setting the SQL and parameter values?
Graphics / SDL2 Fit image rotation bug
« Last post by Pe3s on Today at 09:54:47 pm »
Hello forumers I am learning SDL and I have encountered a problem after loading the image format “portrait” rotation and fitting the image to the window margins appear at the top and bottom , when loading the image format landscape the problem does not occur how can I correct the error in the code ?
Other / Re: What is the history of disappearance of GNU Pascal?
« Last post by mika on Today at 09:49:59 pm »

In a nutshell, keeping up with major version transitions of GCC was too hard. They were studying on reimplementing using a backend that wrote C, but no news about that was ever brought out. 

There was some support and discussion on the maillist for the versions that were out (gcc 4 based iirc) after that period till say 2015, but after that it has been quite quiet.

The developers in that period also stated that they mostly stopped using Pascal in their daily work, which might have been the final straw.

Thank you. Exactly what I was looking for.
Database / [Solved] Dumb SQLite question asked by an idiot
« Last post by heebiejeebies on Today at 09:44:28 pm »
Hi all,

Just fixed the previous bug with the DBLookupListBox, now another bizarre one has appeared. Like the last one, I haven’t changed any of my code and this had been working for 2 years prior to upgrading Free Pascal/Lazarus version. I can’t see how fixing the last error could have affected it.

Anyway, this SQLite query:

Code: Pascal  [Select][+][-]
  1. UserfileLoad.Open;
  2. UserFileLoad.SQL.Text:=('SELECT * FROM MasterProtocol WHERE _rowid_ = :RowParam');
  3. UserFileLoad.Params.ParamByName('RowParam').Value := IssueIndex;      
  4. if UserFileLoad.Fieldbyname('Workspace').AsString = 'True' then WorkspaceCheckbox.Checked:= true;
Now complains that the field Workspace doesn’t exist. I’ve added some debugging checks just before the code is executed, which confirm the following regarding UserFileLoad:

The database name is correct;
The query is correct;
The query is opened without error;
RowParam returns a valid record ID;
The query returns all the correct fields;
The dataset is active /1 record returned; and
Correct data is read from the fields!

My code above appears directly after the end of the successful checks; there’s nothing else in between the checks and the above.  Yet the checks work and the above code fails due to missing field.

Strangest one I’ve ever seen I think?! Where do I even start?
Other / Re: What is the history of disappearance of GNU Pascal?
« Last post by marcov on Today at 09:40:19 pm »
And different times. The last major version they adopted was GCC 4.

Nowadays C++ is allowed in GCC, and I've heard Frank wishing for that in the past.
LCL / Re: Unwanted additional line in the end of TRichMemo.
« Last post by Ten_Mile_Hike on Today at 09:34:47 pm »
The other responses are best, but there is always *Untested*
Code: Pascal  [Select][+][-]
  1. Memo1.text:=Leftstring(Memo1.text,Length(memo1.text)-1)  {or -2 if your line is #13#10}
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