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Other / Interesting article about AI
« Last post by Joanna from IRC on Today at 11:54:22 pm »
With all the ai hype that has bedazzled some people I just had to share this
General / Re: C operators and shift
« Last post by Curt Carpenter on Today at 11:27:49 pm »
One day, you will tell your Personal Desktop Programming Assistant (PDPA) that you find compounds like += offensive and (s)he will take care that you never have to see one again.

Does anyone remember if the JACM ever adopted a standard language for publishing algorithms?
BTW where would I expect to find the FPC sources? Right now it's scanning the whole device, including the host OS, due to folder sharing :D
fpc executable is ~/dev/fpc/bin/fpc
The source is in ~/dev/fpc
After installing with the script it's best you logout first and then log back in.
The ~/dev/fpc/bin is then added to the path.
After starting lazarus then, the fpc executable is found.
You only need to enter the directory for the source ~/dev/fpc

I don't know why you get that warning message but it seems to be a common warning on Fedora (searching the internet for that message).
General / Re: Ancient Program
« Last post by Bart on Today at 11:08:20 pm »
The Meta-2 implementation that runs a significant chunk of my business was coded in Summer 1986 based on a paper from 1964.

1964 was a good year  :)

General / Re: Ancient Program
« Last post by Curt Carpenter on Today at 11:05:05 pm »
We are, sadly I guess, old now.  But it was a heck of a ride wasn't it? 

Wonder what the programs of thirty years from now will look like -- or will the "programming" paradigm even still exist?
General / Re: Benchmarks
« Last post by turrican on Today at 11:01:03 pm »
Again, thanks for your valuable help!

Just finished installing your version!

Again, the first line of Terminal output when I launched Lazarus from the Terminal (seeing as, exactly as you predicted, the Desktop shortcut was unrecognized) is exactly the same as in my post above (the part in bold).

BTW where would I expect to find the FPC sources? Right now it's scanning the whole device, including the host OS, due to folder sharing :D
FV/Textmode IDE / Re: Arrow keys in FV
« Last post by MarkMLl on Today at 10:52:55 pm »
In what terminal do you run FV? Because the only thin I can think of is that the terminal has the arrow keys ialready hooked. If I test on a plain gnome based ubuntu machine everything works.
I didn't use kde konsole for a very long time, but it may be that is the cause.

There's also the issue of what key combinations KDE claims for itself: there's a setting somewhere that allows those to be inspected, but it always takes me half an hour to find it :-)

Since FV is, ultimately, CUA, I'd be cautious about arrow keys except within the context of something like a text editor.

General / Re: C operators and shift
« Last post by MarkMLl on Today at 10:39:08 pm »
You can say the exact same thing about literally any Pascal language feature. Infact if that is your approach to programming languages, why do you use anything other than assembly? Literally any Pascal feature is not necessary because you can just use raw assembly.

The bottom line is that Pascal is a programming notation, and that for the last 30 years or so there have been certain notations or idioms which are so widely accepted that to refuse to omit them invites ridicule: += is one of those notations.

If somebody wants to start arguing "mathematical purity" then I'll raise them by giving examples from APL: which I am sure they'll know was designed by a mathematician. Does anybody seriously believe that introducing a transcendental function to eliminate a conditional operation is really a good idea?


p.s. I trust OP (the originator of this thread) appreciates the demon he has unleashed >:-)
if your using windows ...

These functions are protected, you cannot use them directly. They are for properties
Code: Pascal  [Select][+][-]
  1.     {:Use this property to set the value of the DTR signal.}
  2.     property DTR: Boolean write SetDTRF;
  4.     {:Exposes the status of the DSR signal.}
  5.     property DSR: boolean read GetDSR;
  7. . . .
  8.     port.DTR := false;
  9.     boolVar := port.DSR;

And they these properties can be used not only in windows.
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