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Is there anything we can do at our end to help triage the latest issues encountered by Double Commander, obviously a fantastic real world project to test things with?

FPC itself is already a very good “real world project” with the next one on the list being Lazarus.
General / Re: Who catches the Linux signals?
« Last post by PascalDragon on Today at 09:11:29 pm »
I have a large program and in order to gracefully quit should any signal received I set up a couple of signal catchers, like
Code: Pascal  [Select][+][-]
  1. fpsignal(SIGFPE, SignalHandler(@signal_callback_handler));

If you capture signals yourself you are essentially circumventing FPC's exception handling, cause it relies on the signal handlers as well. If at all then use fpSigAction which will return the old handler (the one set by the RTL) and you should then call that when you have done your own custom handling.

Handling signals on Unixes usually need to take into account threads and that is not a joke but a fact, even for the simplest.

Incorrect. If no threads are used in the application then no threads need to be taken into account for signals either.
Sorry, I (initially) missed your example wp. No leaks with your example (4.0RC1) only leaks with OP's example (with exact same trace as OP).

Hi gents,

This is quite nice for me, thanks to confirm.
But if @wp do not have it, and we do, maybe something outside FPSPreadSheet (I was thinking about locals setup because it should be the only thing from system which could influence FPSpreadSheet).

So my locals are utf8 - us


The thing is, in the example, if you keep only "SUMMARY" sheet in the workbook, no more memory leak. The function is supposed to read only "SUMMARY" sheet.
Thank you very much for this information too, TRon!

Btw, i already had been wondering that the last contributions from BigChimp were so long ago ..
You're welcome d7_2_laz.

Indeed sad news, but I guess such is life (sadly we've lost more such good members/contributors over the years).

I also noticed this repository which might be an exact copy (or perhaps an update). I haven't verified. Perhaps it can be of help with your issue(s).

Thanks TRon for the info, although such are really sad news.
Thank you as well for the download link.
" there's a link to
which is dead  (unfortunately, sigh .... it's oftenly referred to within a couple of forum's articles).
Unfortunately the same fate was bestowed upon the author so pardon him for not having corrected that. I do not know if BigChimp's repositories/projects where saved somewhere (I know of a couple but not all). Luckily this one was saved here.
Beginners / Re: SAVE StringGrid to PDF
« Last post by dseligo on Today at 07:42:30 pm »
Another small problem, I sometimes use the application on a Linux platform (Mint) by using "Wine". The 'exe' works fine via 'wine' but the font selection is a problem.
Maybe it is better not to encode a imposed font, but just the size of 15pt.
Is this possible?

This code should compile under Linux, so you don't have to use Wine. You could also ship font you need with your program, and use it so you have same PDF everywhere.

Sorry, I forgot to mention that the 'Headers' should also be shown on the PDF.

In line 55 you start for loop with 1. Rows in StringGrid are zero based, so change line 55 to:
Code: Pascal  [Select][+][-]
  1.     for i := 0 to StringGrid1.RowCount - 1 do
Wiki page:

Within the text "Notepad++ plugin template for Lazarus - A demo template ..." there's a link to
which does not work (unfortunately, sigh .... it's oftenly referred to within a couple of forum's articles).

EDIT:  or is it so that one does mandatorily need an account on bitbucket ? (if so, then sorry for the noise, but i'd guess that wouldn't be a preferred place for such a repository inside).
General / Re: Who catches the Linux signals?
« Last post by Thaddy on Today at 07:08:02 pm »
Handling signals on Unixes usually need to take into account threads and that is not a joke but a fact, even for the simplest.
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