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Sorry for the simple question, how to control Processes
I have a simple question, how can I start, end and check whether an application (.exe) program ??
I have a vague idea that TProcess is used but how I can make the operation asynchronous. I went through this
In other words say program1 starts another program (say program2), now I do not want program 1 to wait until program 2 ends, how can I do this ???
thanks in advance
"Use the Wiki, Lu... er... newman." :D
(I just found it looking for "TProcess" in the wiki's search. ::))
Thanks, but isn't there a more detailed explanation, such as a tutorial etc. The problem is I am more used to VB and this is the first time I am freepascal to control processes.
--- Quote ---Thanks, but isn't there a more detailed explanation, such as a tutorial etc.
--- End quote ---
The article pointed by Ñuño_Martínez serves as a tutorial as well. Haven't you read it yet?
--- Quote ---The problem is I am more used to VB and this is the first time I am freepascal to control processes.
--- End quote ---
What are your needs that the wiki doesn't cover? If it's hard to tell, post the VB code.
Thanks all,
I got the picture.
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