Forum > Lazarus Extra Components



what module is TDataModule coded in?

i ask because when i start a new DataModule and i click on "Find Declaration" lazarus can not seem to find it.  i am a bit afraid to use the Forms module because it might contain visual components and i definitely do not want that.


so , i don't get it.  first, what does the directive UseFCLDataModule mean?  TDataModule under Forms.pas is under {$IFNDEF UseFCLDataModule}.

which i also don't get because when i add a DataModule from the New menu it gives me the properties and events of a TForm, i think, and none of the properties and events of a TDataModule as defined in Forms.pas.  actually, when i first add the module, the inspector does show the right properties and event for TDataModule, but as soon as i click on the visual DataModule itself, it seems to change to a form of the type TNonFormDesignerForm.  and non of the proper TDataModule properties and events are available in the inspector.  so what is up with that?

so how do i use the true TDataModule and descend from it in my web module design?


I think you will get more answers on the list or IRC.

by IRC do you mean a newsgroup?  a real one.  what newsgroups exist for FPC and lazarus.


By IRC i mean IRC(Interned/Intranet Relay Chat), use an IRC client like mIRC, X-Chat, GAIM, ...
The channels are #lazarus-ide and #fpc on
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