Forum > Debugger

[Linux] Debugger error

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Could you pull this plug?  :)
I've configurred Lazarus to use the standard gdb. I'm using a csv build of this morning but had the same with a csv build of a few days back.

While I'm at it, pressing ctrl-f2 to reset my running program doesnot work. :( I'm using KDE with multiple desktops and ctrl-f2 switches to desktop 2 (as ctrl-f1 switches to desktop 1, etc etc. )

This can sometimes happen when the lazarus interface to gdb got an unexpected result.
After clicking OK, the gdbprocess is killed. However this may not always work.
From the menu Run-> reset debugger you can manually reset the debug process.

About the keys:
We cant capture keys handled by the OS/WM


--- Quote from: "Marc" ---After clicking OK, the gdbprocess is killed. However this may not always work.
From the menu Run-> reset debugger you can manually reset the debug process.

--- End quote ---

Tried that off course. Didnot work though. Tried restarting Lazarus as well, didnot work either. Only thing to get my project running within the IDE was disabling debugging, by removing the debugger path from the options.

--- Quote from: "Marc" ---
About the keys:
We cant capture keys handled by the OS/WM
--- End quote ---

I understand that. That not why I reported it. I thnik we might want to rethink some used shortcuts. As I like to work as much as possible with the keyboard.

did you include debug info ?
did you not strip symbols
did you not use UPX or something similar
did you not use a runing applications (see run parameters)

you can customize all keys in lazarus.

Marc, i still have problems on XP with GDB, it's simply too unstable even after installation with the first project you get GDB SIGSEGV, either Lazarus has some memleaks or GDB itself.
Maybe it's more stable on Linux.


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