I try add code folding support for SynHighlighterJava unit for submit after to Lazarus project.
I have a very big problem.
When your enter brace ({ or }), it's calling many times but TSynJavaSynRange(CodeFoldRange).CodeFoldStackSize are not reinit beetwen call.
Thus, for same open brace it add 3 or more open node.
If you test SynHighlighterPas, we have not problem.
Somebody know what is the problem ?
I've attach my file.
All my modifications are surrounded by Add emeric / End add emeric
Another stange behavior, if I had code foldind support in comment (/* */), I've not the problème but, close node is always on the line after.
Example :
/* -> open node
[empty] -> close node
*/ -> nothing
Thank you for your help
I use Lazarus 0.9.26-2