Object Pascal does not support multiple inheritance.
(even Bjarne Stroustrup, the creator of C++, thought that was a really bad idea with hindsight)
BUT...You can mimic it with interfaces.
It is very rare in C++ circles that it is used, let alone used correctly.
It is the single most unloved "feature" of C++.
Using interfaces - in this case COM or CORBA does not matter - leads to easier to understand and maintain code. (Bjarne said so)
I wasted half of my life writing C and C++ code and only 25% writing Pascal and never needed that.
https://stroustrup.com/bs_faq2.htmlhttps://www.usenix.org/legacy/publications/compsystems/1989/fall_stroustrup.pdfSo idiots that claim to the contrary can shut up immediately.

If Bjarne says no, and you still want to use it, you are an idiot.
Note I documented it undeniably so don't even bother to reason otherwise.