Hi all.
There is project with simple UDP application.
In win10 when all interfaces are disabled and when I try send udp packet OnTimer
twice - then application closes.
If I send packet only once then I see exception error window - socket error #10051 and buttons OK/abort.
BUT: if packet sends during this window shown then application automatically closes (or crashes).
procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
var s :string;
if flag >0 then begin
flag:= flag-1;
IdUDPServer1.Send('', 12345, s);
When flag=1 (once send) then I see error window.
When flag=2 then:
a) I see error window, wait 2 sec (timer interval), then application closes
b) I see error window, now I CLICK OK, then I see new error window aftter 2 sec and application works OK