I'm trying to convert, on Windows 10 64bit, a very old (2013) Delphi 7 (32bit, Ansi) Notepad++ plugin to Lazarus 3.6 64 bit, unicode.
And did run into a couple of problems, e.g. a crash "On WM_CREATE", where i don't get a clue where and why (don't know yet how to debug this, so still copying the generated DLL to the belonging Notepad++'s config subfolder).
Notepad++ is from the recent versions (8.7.2 64 bit, portable version). See AccessViolation.jpg.
So i tried a fresh restart using a (hopefully) working example. Found one (meanwhile ancient though) within:
https://forum.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php/topic,17888.15.html--> See NPPPluginAndDemo.zip here, within reply #26, from eny.
Within the plugin demo options, i click "Docking window test", and see a crash, see jpg aattached.
==> Does anybody has any clue how to narrow this down?
Or point to an existing working example with docking forms?