Forum > Third party
Jubarte - Telecommunications Link Calculator
Jubarte aims to create a complete application suite to calculate and analyse the viability of telecommunication links. It is being developed in Lazarus enviroment.
Current Status
# Radio
* Straith sight Point-to-point links
* Fresnell ellipsoid obstruction
# Optical Fibers
* Link Analysis on power attenuation and signal dispersion.
* Fiber profile definition
# Satellites
* Elevation, azimuth and antenna polarization angule for geostationary satélites.
* Link viability analysis
* Intermediate frequency(IF) for MODEMs.
* Frequency Tune for UP and DOWN converters.
* Transponders in C Band.
# Cooling System
* Dimension cooling systems for telecommunication rooms
Oficial Website:
Google Code:
Vincent Snijders:
Deserves a place in the Gallery and Lazarus projects list.
Thanks. How can i do that ?
Vincent Snijders:
I think you found out in the meantime, didn't you?
Do you still have questions?
Hi vincent, i didn't know that i have to make another registration. Thanks anyway !
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