
Author Topic: Lazarus/FPC semi-randomly gets stuck while compiling  (Read 8301 times)


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Re: Lazarus/FPC semi-randomly gets stuck while compiling
« Reply #30 on: December 26, 2024, 07:09:13 pm »
The one in which you are selecting "attach" from the menu.

It is a bug in the debugger. => normally when you start the debugger you need an executable that the debugger will launch.
But when you attach, then you don't, since the executable is already running.
The check is incorrectly performed.

So until that is fixed, the workaround is, to give the debugger an exe (and ideally the correct exe / though it probably works with any exe). It will not be launched, but it will get through the check.

Ok, so the issue finally occurred again after several weeks of absence. Sorry about the wait.

I've tried what you suggested by using the ppc's exe as the host application (I've checked for the actual file through the System Monitor by looking up the properties of the ppcx64 process causing the issue). Unfortunately, I'm only getting another Debugger Error when trying to attach to the process: "Error starting process in Debugger".

Any ideas what's going on there?


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