« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2024, 11:27:25 am »
I found it.
I never selected the datasource in the DBlookupcombobox.
I am an idiot.
Ok, now that i can verify the entry exists, how do I show all the fields for that tracking number into a grid?
Many thanks
A successful "Locate" moves the cursor to THAT position.
Just access the other fields
If MyBool Then Begin
Tedit42.Text:=dblookupcombobox3.DataSource.DataSet.FieldByName('SomeOtherField').AsString); //Or show it in a Label, Grid, wherever
Or use a For-Loop running through the Dataset-Fields accessing by index
If MyBool Then Begin
For i:=0 To dblookupcombobox3.DataSource.DataSet.Fields.Count -1 Do Begin
Writeln(dblookupcombobox3.DataSource.DataSet.Fields[i].AsString); //Or show it in a Label, Grid, wherever
« Last Edit: August 13, 2024, 11:38:54 am by Zvoni »
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