I have an issue with an almost completed app with 2 tables in a TDbf database. I moving soon to SQLite but got to fix this first. This app has 8 main tables with several other lookup tables such as States/Provinces, Countries, etc. On 2 of the forms, Appointments (Appmts.dbf) and Photography (Photos.dbf) I have a major issue with packing these 2 tables. I have a system create procedure that creates all the tables and indices for the app and another procedure for table maintenance. The issue is when on these 2 tables for some reason crater on the Pack code line, see the example code snipet below:
try //->Appointments table maintenance start... 1
DbfAppmts.Exclusive:= True;
DbfAppmts.Active:= True;
//->DbfAppmts.PackTable; //->Pack Appointments.Dbf table !!! Error here!
DbfAppmts.RegenerateIndexes; //->Rebuild Appointments table indexes
DbfAppmts.Exclusive:= False;
PrgrsBarRebld.Position:= 10;
This is the error that bombs out below, I can comment out these 2 Pack and Regen Indexes for these 2 tables and no issue. I can comment out the 2 Pack lines and no problemo! Error attached which is this:
"Project pms raised exception class 'External: FLT INVALID OPERATION'. At address 100626CF"
Anyone have a clue why just these 2 while the rest (6), no problems.