
Author Topic: ubuntu 24.04 install ZEOS zcomponentdesign.lpk error " "laz.virtualtrees.pas"  (Read 1173 times)


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ubuntu 24.04 with LAZARUS 3.0,   canot install any ICL, with error  Unable to find file "laz.virtualtrees.pas".

for test :
canot install zcomponentdesign.lpk

full errors:   

Unable to find file "laz.virtualtrees.pas".
If it belongs to your project, check search path in
Project -> Compiler Options -> Search Paths -> Other Unit Files. If this file belongs to a package, check the appropriate package compiler options. If this file belongs to Lazarus, make sure compiling clean. If the file belongs to FPC then check fpc.cfg. If unsure, check Project -> CompilerOptions -> Test

thanks for all helps.


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ubuntu 24.04 with LAZARUS 3.0,
Lazarus itself is at version number 3.4. Don't let your distro dictate the version number to use.

canot install any ICL, with error  Unable to find file "laz.virtualtrees.pas".
Access right issues.

Your package manager installs Lazarus in a directory with limited access rights. Installing a package in lazarus requires Lazarus to be rebuild. If everything works as it should be working in Lazarus then Lazarus figures out that it can't access the installation directory and falls back to the configuration directory. Unfortunately that doesn't always work as expected (there are several reasons for that and the devs are working on that ).

Remedy: install Lazarus into user-space.
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