Forum > Databases

[solved] MySql getting error cannot be performed on an active dataset

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I spent hours reading wiki's and forum but still have problem.
Using windows 10 MySql 8.0 Lazarus 3.3.2 64 bit.
Took a copy of the procedure from main app and made a simple exe to prove the cause was not another call
to the same procedure upsetting things, still get error.
Funny thing is the main exe was working for +- 1 month then suddenly gave error, can't think of what I may have done.
I took same SQL statement (simple select) and ran in WorkBench and HeidiSQL with no problem.
In my new demo exe I changed database to world and city table, still get same error, so it's not my DB or table.
I tried with SQLQuery > options > sqoAutoCommit and error does not appear but returned dataset is empty.
I tried suggested SQLTransaction commitRetaining, CommitNone etc but error persists.
I am not a DBA or an ex Delphi programmer but Lazarus looked very interesting to me as an alternative to VS-CS.
Can someone please help me, I've got no more hairs left to tear out!!!

Remove SQLQuery.Execsql. For what do you need it?

To execute the query placed in SQLQuery.text from the query variable.
From what I read so far I put the sql code in SQLQUERY then execute then loop through the dataset.
When the execute is called, I get the error in the debugger. If I continue then the dataset is empty. Obviously since the execute failed.

I need it to execute the sql command and read from a dB table.

@egsuh is right, loose this
--- Quote ---      showMessage('before SQLQuery.ExecSQL');
      showMessage('after SQLQuery.ExecSQL');
--- End quote ---
I took the liberty of mod'ing your code a little bit:
--- Code: Pascal  [+][-]window.onload = function(){var x1 = document.getElementById("main_content_section"); if (x1) { var x = document.getElementsByClassName("geshi");for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.maxHeight='none'; x[i].style.height = Math.min(x[i].clientHeight+15,306)+'px'; x[i].style.resize = "vertical";}};} ---procedure TForm1.loadCities();var  query : String;  Row: integer;begin  showMessage('loadCities');  if (MySQL80Connection.Connected = False) then begin     showMessage('reconnecting');     MySQL80Connection.Connected := True;  end;  query := 'select * from city;';  clipboard.asText:= query;  try    SQLQuery.Close;    SQLQuery.SQL.Text := query;    SQLQuery.Open;    row := 0;    while not SQLQuery.eof do begin      row := row + 1;      StringGrid1.RowCount := row+1;      StringGrid1.cells[0, row] := SQLQuery.FieldByName('Name').asString;      StringGrid1.cells[1, row] := SQLQuery.FieldByName('CountryCodes').asString;;    end;  except    ShowMessage('Error getting data from DB '+LineEnding+'query='+query);  end;  SQLTransaction.Commit; // the trx should close the query, when it's committed//  SQLQuery.Close; // <--- so this is not necessary  showMessage('end of loadShifts');end; I think this should compile and produce results  8)
...if the table ain't empty  :D
edit: SQLQuery.Open does exactly for reading, what you think ExecSql does.
edit2: Removed the 'showmessage' in the loop.
Regards Benny


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