Forum > Databases

cannot load sqlite3.dll

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I cannot run Lazarus with SQLITE. I get the error "cannot load SQLITE client library
sqlite3.dll. Check your installation.

I did an uninstall, then downloaded the current version 3.4. I copied the sqlite3.dll in
the c:\Lazarus folder, and also the folder containing the sqlite database file
 (ending in ".db"), and windows\system32 and windows\syswow.

I have read on the internetabout using both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the dll, and I
tried using every comination of them in the folders mentioned. Stll get the same error message,
although sometime the error message is "cannot find the file listed. I don't know if itis
referring to the database file or the dll. I turned off my anti-virus prams and the firewall.
I then rebooted, and I sill get the "cannot load clienta library..." error.

I am runningWindows 10.

Can anyone help me on this? Thank you.

If you start Lazarus from command line, did you see more information ? There are some versions of sqlit3.dll Which need some other dill's too.

Have you the problem at startup of Lazarus, or only in the designer, if you want to activate a connection.

As af0815 mentioned

--- Quote from: af0815 on July 22, 2024, 08:58:43 pm ---Have you the problem at startup of Lazarus, or only in the designer, if you want to activate a connection.

--- End quote ---

there are two perspectives for the access dll (sqlite3.dll).
One to establish a connection to the SQLite database in the Lazarus GUI with the help of the components (SQLDB or ZEOS) and a second to provide database functions for the created programme.

There are also other variants, but I recommend the first one:

-- first check which bitness your Lazarus has (32 or 64 bit) and select the correct sqlite3.dll.

-- copy this dll into the directory where the Lazarus.exe file is located

-- and also copy the sqlite3.dll into the directory where the generated *.EXE of your programme is located

That should usually work if the Lazarus installation is correct

As CharlyTango wrote:
In your Lazarus-Installation-Folder you need the SQLite-dll in the Bitness of Lazarus (!!). Same location as "lazarus.exe"
In your Project-Folder you need the SQLite-DLL in the Bitness of your Compile-Target (!!)

Or put the dll's in the correct spots.
The 64 bit dll's go in windows\system32
The 32 bit dll's go in windows\sysWOW64
The above is not a mistake!! Most people do it wrong the first time.

If you do that correctly, the dll's will also be picked up correctly and you do not pollute your development and project directories.
It will solve your problems once and for all.
There should not be any shared libraries in your project directories. Noone.
You can automatically work with 32 bit and 64 bit at the same time.

(the same should be done for e.g. OpenSSL dll's)


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