
Author Topic: IDE rebuild fails 3.2 MacOS  (Read 3192 times)


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IDE rebuild fails 3.2 MacOS
« on: April 27, 2024, 12:40:04 pm »
I stripped out all old 2.2.6, including all the FPC and packages and configs.  Then reinstalled FPC 3.2.2, Installed LAZ 3.2.  I start LAZ 3.2, set the lldb and other setup items to make the IDE happy.

1st job: do a "Normal IDE rebuild".  Fail fail fail.   

The initial fault is missing datetimepicker components ( why are they not in the search path, and why does Laz not know how to setup its basic state in OOBE, or find its own pre-installed components ??).  OK I can find the datetimepicker in the /app../laz../lcl... components and open lpk and install the component.
Fail again, this time its lazhelpchm.pas and its package.  again find the package and install it.

And on and on it goes, until I get some package missing that's too obscure to find.    This same OOBE screw up was present in LAZ 3.0 and why I never used it.

The problem: LAZ ships in a state that is NOT aware of the installed components, and when any IDE build is needed ( added components / IDE change), the whole thing fails with endless not-found components.

Is it just me, or is this 3.x branch need more work?


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Re: IDE rebuild fails 3.2 MacOS
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2024, 04:35:50 pm »
You can do a search on the forum on datetimepicker and be able to see/tell that you are not the only one and/or what can be done about it (or not if you so please).

Here is one threads for example.
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Re: IDE rebuild fails 3.2 MacOS
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2024, 02:50:42 am »
You can do a search on the forum on datetimepicker and be able to see/tell that you are not the only one and/or what can be done about it (or not if you so please).

Here is one threads for example.

I see, thank you.  What an obvious disaster in design and experience for everyone who tries to use the basic features of Lazarus now.  ::)

I sidestepped the issue by moving the entire from systems  /Applications  to the user level ~/Applications.  This bypasses all the file permission issues.  Of course the supplied installer should offer such an install location, to avoid the whole issue in the first place, but it does not.


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Re: IDE rebuild fails 3.2 MacOS
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2024, 05:40:59 am »
What an obvious disaster in design and experience for everyone who tries to use the basic features of Lazarus now.  ::)
It is but the origin of the issue was (is?) a bit complicated (it involves both the FPC compiler and the Lazarus project)

Before a release there is always a request for testing but apparently nobody mentioned the issue during testing phase...

I sidestepped the issue by moving the entire from systems  /Applications  to the user level ~/Applications.  This bypasses all the file permission issues.  Of course the supplied installer should offer such an install location, to avoid the whole issue in the first place, but it does not.
The basic workings of Lazarus is that whenever a package can not be recompiled due to these restrictions it will try and place (also search) the recompiled results in the configuration directory (which should be accessible by the user). Something did go wrong there in Lazarus (this issue seems to have been addressed). However, in this particular case the package that Lazarus tries to recompile should not be recompiled to begin with (though FPC thinks it should). I am not sure if that issues has been fixed (already) but afaik it has not.

Although you are right that this provides a bad user experience it is difficult to solve because even when everything is fixed and working as expected even then there isn't a new release of the FPC compiler (yet) and Lazarus is (still) depending on the (older FPC 3.2.2) compiler instead of trunk.

If your workaround is working then please stick to it (you know best yourself). For now and for new users I would probably recommend using FPCUpDeluxe instead (which builds the compiler and Lazarus from source and is able to install it into a directory of your choice, and thus where you have enough access rights to be able to recompile the package (which in the end should never happen to begin with)). Alternatively for experienced users you can build (or install) everything yourself manually.
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Re: IDE rebuild fails 3.2 MacOS
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2024, 02:18:56 pm »

same problem with Lazarus 3.4 on Sonoma x64.  >:(

I tested with an "old" 2.2.4 on the same device after this failure. No problem.
My comment: it's not very serious. It works, the packages are downloading. If this is not the case, we refrain from offering them.... especially under macOS which is significantly more difficult to manage than Windows.


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Re: IDE rebuild fails 3.2 MacOS
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2024, 07:47:00 pm »

I hope I managed to install Lazarus 3.4 correctly. Any comment is welcome... whatever it may be.
Here I installed the AnchorDockingDsgn package and Unidac components from Devart.

So I downloaded and installed the 3 required packages (
Once installed, I change the rights of the current user : /Applications/Lazarus -> Read & Write. Then I opened a terminal.
Code: Pascal  [Select][+][-]
  1. cd /Applications/Lazarus
  2. make clean bigide

Result :

Then I open Lazarus normally. Everything seems to work normally even if at the end of each rebuild a non-blocking error message appears.
I will look into this anomaly later. Maybe someone can explain to me how to solve it ?


« Last Edit: June 05, 2024, 07:52:19 pm by Selzig »


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