Thanks, I'll take a look at that tomorrow.
I've been experimenting trying to get as much as possible done using simple geometry, the incentive- on reflection- being that I want the result to be easily processed by checks for whether an aircraft is following the circuit, close to the circuit and so on since different levels of alert apply.
I'm 50+ years out of practice at this sort of stuff :-)
I've got it working fairly well- including for reentrant angles- if I expand along the mean corner angle with a fudge factor so that the actual distance outside the circuit is realistic. I've not yet got it working if I try to expand along normals: I obviously know that it's basically just a lot of sin/cos stuff and while I can visualise what I'm trying to do I'm having a hard time getting it right in practice :-/
I'll probably put a few more hours into it tomorrow, but what I've got is visually OK and in practice smaller airfields will generally have a simple rectangular circuit: I suspect that the local field's kinked approach is fairly unusual which makes being able to handle that from the start useful.