ok, I get the Solution:
I open/write a new Pascal file: foo.pas with this content:
procedure ExitProcess(AValue: Integer); external 'kernel32.dll';
After compiling, I get the Code:
call _$dll$kernel32$ExitProcess
When Linking, FPC seems to form some Code internal by using the Symbol in the archive objects
and a mystic procedure by the Compiler.
When I would import code, that call the win32api Function ExitProcess, I have to write only
the call _$dll$kernel32$ExitProcess, and refer/link against the archive files, produced by FPC Compiler.
But, hoiw can I compile a FPC Pascal Script File, so the Compiler does not use the common ini File ?
Ok, I can use the Option -n but my current Problem is, that FPC tries then to compile the System Files
that come with the Compiler.
But I expected, that only the Units are compiled by FPC, and not the System Files again, and again ...
This can result in multiple referenced Symbols so far I know...