> Error: No known file format detected for file 'project1.res'
Seems to be consistently the problem. Further up, I suggested you check ownership, permissions and content of the .res file, did you ?
Apps like Lazarus that assume they are running as a user and are running in user spaces (where they have normal write and execute permissions) can get confused by running as root (seems thats behind us) and running on some network shares. Someone mentioned the share above and I dismissed it but maybe wrongly !
Please check you have execute (and, write) permissions on the samba share. The samba config will list them, the mount command might list them but sometimes is fooled. A really reliable way ?
Make a small executable script, copy it to the samba drive and run it ! (May be a good idea to check first line, RedHad can be funny)
echo "Hello world" > test.txt
Make a file with that content (lets call it test.bash) , ensure you do have bash in /usr/bin/bash and make that file executable, don't execute it using bash, make it executable -
>$ chmod u+x test.bash
and then run it (don't forget the dot slash at the start to ensure we run this file) -
>$ ./test.bash
Now, if you see no error message a new file should have appeared, "test.txt", lets look at it -
>$ cat test.txt
And we should see our "Hello World" message. If thats all good, I have wasted a few minutes of your time, sorry. If you seee a error message at any stage during that test, please report it here.