Unfortunately there is no way.
Currently FPC does not write any debug info for the interface.
But even if, the interface does only have methods. it does not have a read-able translation into the object that implements it. (Though that would be up to fpc to implement creating such a translation for the debugger/ at least when possible).
Usually an interface has a different implementation for each object that it implements.
If you use asm to step into the call to the interface, then you find code like
0000000100001660 4883E920 sub rcx,$20
0000000100001664 E997FFFFFF jmp -$00000069 # $0000000100001600 Foo project1.lpr:21
0000000100001669 0000 add [rax],al
000000010000166B 0000 add [rax],al
000000010000166D 0000 add [rax],al
000000010000166F 005548 add [rbp+$48],dl
The exact code can vary. Or may for other fpc versions be completely different.
The "$20" in the first line is important. But keep in mind that even for the same interface it will vary, depending on the underlaying object that implements that interface.
If you know this value you can watch
Again, if you run the same code again, but another class is hidden behind the interface then the $20 changes. So you must asm step into the interface each time.