In the last
/usr/share/lazarus/3.4.0/examples/scanline, one can read, lines 22-23 of unit1.pas :
This example demonstrates how to
- create an image with an internal format similar to Delphi''s pf24bit
and then, line 79 :
// create an image with a format similar to Delphi''s pf32bit
So, where is the truth ? 24 or 32 ?
Then, lines 115 and 116 :
// LineStart is pointer to the start of a scanline with the following format:
// 4 bytes per pixel. First byte is blue, second green, third is red.
So I ask : what is the format of the missing fourth byte ?
And finally, one can read :
line 121 : // fill line with [b]gray[/b]
line 123 : PByte(LineStart)[i]:=0; // set red, green and blue to 0 (i.e. black)
I'm lost...
(of course, the image is
black with a diagonal red line)