Indeed a "quite" successfull language as Python as no problem at all with C++ libraries, because simply it has no native mechanism to implement the bindings.
The use of C++ libraries (ex. Tensorflow, Opencv, and many many others) is based on a special library version (wrapper), with appropriate hooks to internal Python interpreter functions. All, interpreter and wrapper, written ... in C++, of course! :-)
So all depend from complex and subtle reasons: today all the effort to write Python bindings is very well accepted from same authors of libraries, because the users base is big. Instead, it's totally rejected for Pascal, that has a little users base.
I loathe Python's syntax, which could only have been conceived by somebody too inexperienced to remember FORTRAN's "(almost) everything starts in column 7" rule.
Having said which, its success as both an extension and implementation language speaks for itself.
I wrote some stuff a couple of years ago which could run a Python script using either v2 or v3, statically or dynamically linked, with the intention of replacing an Electron GUI that nobody knew how to debug. I was exceedingly impressed by the quality of the Python documentation, but ultimately hit a wall caused by FPC's lack of direct support for C-style variadic functions.
Python has, to all intents and purposes, supplanted Perl, Lua, Basic, C# and the rest as an extension language. It quite simply /cannot/ be ignored, however much we might like to do so.