Forum > Databases

Error in query (sqldb) view with return in json (mysql8)

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If that View really returns a JSON, then it's per se a simple String/Text first.
The Field should have ftMemo/ftString as Datatype in SQLdb (TSQLQuery?). Just assign it to a TJSONXXX, and go from there.

OTOH, why not use the native MySQL-JSON-Functionalities?

I don't know if I managed to explain it correctly, I'll try with images, I have this view in MySQL that is attached, and basically I need to do a select, the return can be in string.


This what I meant, this produce a incompatible resultset.

You must try to rewrite the query to return the JSON in a field. This can handled by SqlDB. You have then a normal Text, Sting or Blobfield and this can be handled as Thaddy's link to the sample show.


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