So is possible at all to write bytes from a AVR SLAVE to a AVR or RPI Master ? without refire the i2c stack?
The master can ask for a byte or a message of known length, but the slave cannot proffer one unsolicited.
This is exactly the same as a pure poll/select discipline as implemented by many mainframe systems.
It is very much not the same as e.g. SCSI or IEEE-488 (GPIB, or HP-IB for old-timers), where any device ("host") on the bus can take control.
Also there is no broadcast facility, and each slave on the bus usually responds to a single hardwired address. **
If you want a device which only has slave hardware to behave as a master, then you will have to bitbang it or add additional chips. For the details you will need to refer to the relevant datasheets: something which the rest of us have noticed you are extremely reluctant to do.
** Added: I want to qualify that, in the interest of fairness and accuracy. If you buy a sensor chip of some sort, then its I2C address will usually be "designed into" the chip although it might bring some signals out to allow one of several predefined addresses to be selected. Hence, as an example, the translator described at . If you have something programmable like an AVR chip, then the slave address will normally be set in an internal register.
I want to further add that I have done a certain amount of I2C and SPI interfacing using the kernel facilities of the RPi and PC. The latter case obviously required an extra (USB-connected) chip with appropriate kernel support.