Nonsense, Gordon
MariaDB never had a version 3.3. the oldest release was 5.1 and in sync with mySql 5.1.
3.3 is mysql and oldSee tthe release history; is also old if the mysql connectors do not have skipversioncheck.
Yor best place to start is with one of the older mysql connectors and a newer lazarus.
The Lazarus components themselvesmake no use of MariaDB specific features and MariaDB was upto version 11 almost 100% in sync with MySQL behavior and formats.
Main differences are the newer storage engines, but these are opaque to the Lazarus controls.They care only about the SQL dialects and these are compatible.
The true version can be revealed by typing mysql -V
same command worked also for mariadb, but is now changed to mariadb -V for versions beyong 10.