Forum > Databases

TMySQL56Connection can not work with the installed MySQL client version

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--- Quote ---EInOutError: TMySQL80Connection can not work with the installed MySQL client version: Expected (8.0), got (3.3.8 )
--- End quote ---

Я не знаю что произошло. Но я два дня бодался с этой проблемой и при выставленном флаге SkipLibraryVersionCheck так же была ошибка. Сегодня я выставил этот флаг и всё заработало нормально.

Google translate:
I don't know what happened. But I struggled with this problem for two days and when the SkipLibraryVersionCheck flag was set there was also an error. Today I set this flag and everything worked fine.


--- Quote from: CharlyTango on June 16, 2024, 10:52:12 am ---Since mariadb is currently neglected in SQLDB, I recommend:

* Update to Lazarus 3.4
* ZEOS as access components (latest version 8.0 is available in the Online Package Manager OPM)
* As an access library, download the corresponding DLL (or the comparable Linux .so component) directly from
--- End quote ---

My opinion: As long as MariaDB is not handled properly in SQLDB, I will use ZEOS. Period


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