Hi. More than 10 years passed since last time I tried creating GUI stuff with Lazarus as a kid...
I'm trying to deserialize a pretty large (>1000 chars) string, but LastIndexOf() seems to be joking on me:
var FieldStart, FieldEnd: SizeInt;
FieldName := 'Timetable'; // actually it's a function argument
FieldStart := S.IndexOf(FieldName + '=');
if FieldStart < 0 then exit;
FieldEnd := S.LastIndexOf(';', FieldStart);
if FieldEnd < 0 then exit;
And the string S:
FieldStart is set correctly to 0, but for some reason FieldEnd is -1. The char I'm looking for is literally the last one.
FPC 3.2.2, Lazarus 3.4