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fpDoc or PasDoc
I know that I have to study them, but have a quick question ---
At first glance, they seem that I can put comments regarding my own codes, but they also say that I can write user-help texts using them. Is it possible to display user-help texts using them? Or producing a help file similar to manuals?
Yes, with both. you can use e.g. the default browser or the htmlviewer package as viewer or a pdf viewer, or...
Fpdoc can generate help for many formats, more than pasdoc.
I use fpdoc for both user help and technical documentation.
It has a somewhat longer learning curve than pasdoc but in the end it is better.
Pasdoc needs sourcecode instrumentation. There is also a documenter written in kol but we probably need to update that. the latter only outputs html.
For professional looking documentation i would ude fpdoc, since once setup correctly it always generates consistent, professionally looking documentation. All FPC documentation is written using fpdoc and it has many output formats.
--- Quote from: egsuh on June 10, 2024, 04:10:19 am ---At first glance, they seem that I can put comments regarding my own codes, but they also say that I can write user-help texts using them. Is it possible to display user-help texts using them? Or producing a help file similar to manuals?
--- End quote ---
By user-help texts, is the attached screenshot what you mean (mouse hover on identifiers)? Or by pressing F1 on identifiers? In both cases, both fpdoc and pasdoc can do. The entire RTL/FCL/LCL documentation is generated using fpdoc, while some libraries like synapse uses pasdoc instead. The main difference between the two is on where to put the documentation. fpdoc uses separate xml files, while pasdoc uses inline comments similar to javadoc, phpdoc and similar tools for other languages.
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