Hello everybody !
Well, nothing more to say, simply displaying my results with Debian/Gtk2 :
With LazIntfImage, the black window :
With LazIntfImage and the White Background, that's fine :
With FPImage, with or without the White Background, the same wonderful result :
But (because there is always a "but") I've noticed a little rounding error, I think : compare the bottoms of the blue circles, left and round from LazIntfImage, right and flat from FPImage...
little_rounding_error.png see below

If I try the following snippet, the bottom of the circle is ok ;
// Overlapping semi-transparent blue circle
canv.Brush.FPColor := FPColor(0, 0, $FFFF, $8000);
// canv.Ellipse(0, 100, 100, 200);
canv.Ellipse(0, 100, 100, 199);
(and I cannot post the fifth image showing the corrected rounding error, due to forum limits, sorry, try yourself)
Two images in one file

On the left side the striked text above, on the right side, the left image is made with Bottom @ 200, and the right image is made with Bottom @ 199.
And again, thank's a lot for your time.
Next step, learning FPImage !